I was probably the single last person to get a copy of David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. I had ordered a copy simply because it did seem so popular. I usually steer clear of the self-help and business productivity sections of the bookstore. However, the people who were talking about Allen’s book seemed even keeled enough that I figured it wouldn’t be some sort of primer into buying a bunch of stuff ‘required’ to use this method. It turns out that is exactly the case and probably part of Allen’s success. That, combined with the fact that it’s really solid stuff. I’m not going to bore you with any details on the information in the book. All I will say is this: if you’re interested in getting on top of what seems like an impossible list of things to do in your life (work or personal), then GTD is really worth looking into. You can get a cheap copy of the paperback but I’d also recommend getting the audiobook version (CD or iTunes Store) just because I found it so easy to listen to while driving.
Three weeks ago I went into my office on a Saturday and about five hours later emerged with an empty e‑mail inbox, a stack of about five tasks to do in my paper inbox, a very clean office, and an 18 inch tall stack of papers to be filed. This weekend, I’ve been working on doing pretty much the same thing at the our home office. I’ve successfully gotten my e‑mail inbox to empty, along with my RSS feeds. Angela did a lot of grunt work on Friday before I could get to it (of her own accord, even though I had told her I was scheduling this weekend to go through a lot of stuff). That helped a lot, though, and allowed me to focus on getting down a lot of what I want to accomplish. Of course, it’s not a one time thing and I have to do my best to keep things reviewed and recorded from here on.
Now, to the point of this post (it’s really not just to celebrate my empty e‑mail inbox, although that is a pretty cool thing to behold). There is a very good chance that some of you may have commented here, sent an e‑mail, of left a voice message that never got a response. First of all, I am truly sorry if that happened and I made you feel that I didn’t really care about what you had to ask or tell me. I likely marked that to deal with later, but since I didn’t have any really sound method of every insuring I’d get back to it, it simply got buried in the pile. I cannot make any promises but I really do intend for that to never happen again. However, if there was something that you feel is left unresolved by me, then now would be a great time to prod me about it again.
who’s got time to read self help books about getting better organized and getting things done!