Robots Are Forever

Rob­bie the Robot has a con­sid­er­able film career that spans fifty years. He has been star­ring in film since just after being born (in 1955) all the way up until appear­ing in Pamela Ander­son­’s tele­vi­sion show last year and an AT&T com­mer­cial this year. Many humans would kill for that kind of suc­cess, although I… Con­tin­ue read­ing Robots Are Forever

Wii Havin’ Fun Now

Okay, so we’ve had the Wii for a cou­ple of days and I’m final­ly try­ing to find some time to blog about it. I’ve real­ly just been being occu­pied with play­ing, but I’m going to say that I want­ed to Angela to have a chance to play some as well before I wrote much. I guess… Con­tin­ue read­ing Wii Havin’ Fun Now

Categorized as Geek

Wii’re Crazy

I wait­ed in line overnight at the Cen­tral Rich­mond Tar­get for the launch of the Nin­ten­do Wii con­sole. It was loads of fun, and the Wii is even bet­ter. How­ev­er, I’m real­ly tired and need to eat and go to the office for a cou­ple of hours this after­noon. I’m also using the TS defense… Con­tin­ue read­ing Wii’re Crazy

Categorized as Geek

Moving Pictures

I’m going to a post-marathon par­ty at some friends’ house tonight so we can all cel­e­brate not dying last Sat­ur­day morn­ing. Angela took some great pho­tos of them, so I’ll Flickr ’em1 and have Tar­get print them for me. At ¢20 for a 4“x6” 2, com­bined with the fact that Tar­get is only about 3/4″… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mov­ing Pictures

Going For The Duece

If you don’t have the time or desire to read a fair­ly long post from me, let me give you the short & sweet: don’t try and run two marathons in two weeks time. More impor­tant­ly, the next time you hear me talk­ing about doing some­thing like that, slap me and then make me read… Con­tin­ue read­ing Going For The Duece

Categorized as Running

Election Day 2006

Yeah, saw this on Kot­tke and jumped right on the band­wag­on. Okay, so we actu­al­ly had some pri­maries and such ear­li­er in the year, but today is the day that real­ly decides who rep­re­sents and leads us. I’m such a nerd when it comes to vot­ing and I nev­er miss an elec­tion any­more. I got… Con­tin­ue read­ing Elec­tion Day 2006

Categorized as Politics

Marine Corps Marathon

Well, the big day kind of snuck-up on us. Angela had been get­ting over a ham­string injury pret­ty much all of Octo­ber and we had gone on vaca­tion ear­li­er last month. There­fore, when the end of the month came out of no where, we almost felt sur­prised that an entire month had gone by with­out… Con­tin­ue read­ing Marine Corps Marathon

Categorized as Running

Stephen Simmons Show

The Coal Men were sup­posed to be play­ing in Ash­land tomor­row night (the fourth), but as things hap­pened, that show fell through. How­ev­er, Tues­day before last, Dave called me up to let me know he’d be in town with Stephen Sim­mons to play a show on the 27th. I real­ly enjoyed Stephen’s show last time… Con­tin­ue read­ing Stephen Sim­mons Show