Roll My Own Ringtone

First of all, I real­ly don’t go in for .mp3 ring tones. I’m actu­al­ly okay with just hav­ing a beepy or ringy ring­tone on my phone. How­ev­er, cus­tom ring­tones do serve a use­ful pur­pose. Now that essen­tial­ly every­one1 car­ries a cell phone with them, know­ing that it is actu­al­ly your phone ring­ing is handy. Of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Roll My Own Ringtone

Sony Doesn’t Get It

Well, it looks like Sony does­n’t get either the Long Tail of gam­ing, nor even the head of gam­ing. From a sto­ry I just seed­ed on Newsvine (as well as my com­ment): Sony Com­put­er Enter­tain­ment of Amer­i­ca spokesper­son Dave Kar­rak­er says Wii should not be direct­ly com­pared to PS3. Inter­viewed by The New York Times… Con­tin­ue read­ing Sony Doesn’t Get It

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