You Stink

I’ve got loads to put up online and so I don’t want any­one to think that I’m doing noth­ing. How­ev­er, as I’m sit­ting here trans­fer­ring pho­tos and video to the PC I’m drink­ing a glass of milk. That’s no so weird except for the fact it stinks. What’s more upset­ting is this milk has been… Con­tin­ue read­ing You Stink

Categorized as Life

Merry Christmas 2006

We hope that every­one has a won­der­ful Christ­mas today and a hap­py hol­i­day season.

Hardly Fame (Yet)

In case you were won­der­ing, I’m the 265th Jason on Google, as of today. Also, in case you were fur­ther won­der­ing, I am prone to short fits of van­i­ty in between peri­ods of actu­al­ly hav­ing a life.

So, We’re Pregnant

About 7:00am on Sat­ur­day morn­ing (Nov. 16th), Angela ran into the bed­room, threw off the cov­ers, and yanked me by the arm. “Come here. You need to see this.” Of all the thoughts run­ning through my head (not that many, since I was still most­ly asleep), none of them had any­thing to do with fam­i­ly. I nat­u­ral­ly… Con­tin­ue read­ing So, We’re Pregnant

On Getting Things Done

I was prob­a­bly the sin­gle last per­son to get a copy of David Allen’s Get­ting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. I had ordered a copy sim­ply because it did seem so pop­u­lar. I usu­al­ly steer clear of the self-help and busi­ness pro­duc­tiv­i­ty sec­tions of the book­store. How­ev­er, the peo­ple who were talk­ing about… Con­tin­ue read­ing On Get­ting Things Done

Global Warming: Don’t Blame The Aliens Mr. Crichton

I was recent­ly asked by a fel­low Newsvine user what my opin­ion was on a 2003 speech giv­en by author Michael Crich­ton (Juras­sic Park, The Androm­e­da Strain, State of Fear) at Cal. Tech. titled “Aliens Cause Glob­al Warm­ing.” I recalled the title and hav­ing read it some time ago, but went back to read it… Con­tin­ue read­ing Glob­al Warm­ing: Don’t Blame The Aliens Mr. Crichton

Categorized as Politics