Amazon’s DRM-free MP3 Downloads

Yes, you’ve read about this some­where else already. How­ev­er, I just want­ed to pro­vide a lit­tle detail on the ser­vice as-is. The files are prices at 89¢ to 99¢ each, and appear to all be 256kbps .mp3 files. Ama­zon has a small appli­ca­tion to help man­age down­load­ing the files and adding them to your music… Con­tin­ue read­ing Amazon’s DRM-free MP3 Downloads


Super Structures

The sig­nage for a gen­er­al con­trac­tor locat­ed in Powhatan, VA, near­by one of my job­sites (though not a GC I’ve ever dealt with). I think there’s room enough in this world for more than one of us, though I should con­sid­er incor­po­rat­ing or some­thing so the name is safe…


Get Yer Facts Straight

The Wash­ing­ton Post’s web­site has a fact check­ing blog for (most­ly) politi­cians. I’m par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in the claims and state­ments made by 2008 pres­i­den­tial con­tenders. They’ve even includ­ed a handy “Pinoc­chio Test” scale for each entry. See also: (not .com, Mr. VP) by the Annen­berg Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Center.


Edith Deaver, 1914–2007

My grand­moth­er, Edith Deaver (or just grand­ma Deaver) died ear­ly this past Mon­day morn­ing. She had her three daugh­ters near­by and, after liv­ing for a long, healthy life, she suc­cumbed to those 93 years of time her on Earth. She will be missed, but no as much as she missed her hus­band Cicero, who had… Con­tin­ue read­ing Edith Deaver, 1914–2007


Appreciating the Classics

Our new iPod “clas­sic” – which comes in much more com­pact pack­ag­ing than old­er iPods. The large cube box has been replaced with a much slim­mer case. Also, you don’t get a charg­ing block with it any­more. After much debate and self-reflec­­tion in our home over the past cou­ple of weeks, we decid­ed to get… Con­tin­ue read­ing Appre­ci­at­ing the Classics

Categorized as General

Router Software Change

We have used Svea­soft­’s pub­lic release of their “Alche­my” router firmware for the past cou­ple of years. It has been very sta­ble and I’ve not real­ly found any rea­son to change it, despite much of the con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing Svea­soft­’s some­what shady busi­ness prac­tices. This week­end, I got an update that the more recent “Tal­is­man” ver­sion… Con­tin­ue read­ing Router Soft­ware Change


Tennessee Tech in the Top 100

Ten­nessee Tech (my Alma mater) made ESP­N’s Top 100 “Great­est Beat­downs in His­to­ry.” Check out No. 70: “Loy­ola of Chica­go 111, Ten­nessee Tech 42, 1963 NCAA first-round game. Loy­ola went on to win it all.” Of course they were on the receiv­ing end of that beat­down. Wa Wa Waaaah­h­h… (via Kottke)

Categorized as General

Don’t Get Scammed on Ringtones

I don’t find myself agree­ing with John Gru­ber on a lot of things, but his lengthy post today on cell phone ring­tones is spot on. I’ve said so myself before here. His mon­ey quote: “And any busi­ness that hinges on your cus­tomers ‘not know­ing any bet­ter’ is a bad busi­ness.” Now, you know bet­ter, so… Con­tin­ue read­ing Don’t Get Scammed on Ringtones


Why I Fight

Here’s the num­ber one rea­son why our house­hold is doing what we can to curb glob­al warm­ing (via Sher­il at The Inter­sec­tion on ScienceBlogs).


This Is What Internet Security Looks Like

Hav­ing recent­ly lis­tened to the series on mul­ti-part authen­ti­ca­tion on the Secu­ri­ty Now! pod­cast (par­tic­u­lar­ly episodes 90 and 103), I got this (very inex­pen­sive) Pay­Pal brand­ed secu­ri­ty key to use with my eBay and Pay­Pal accounts. The device is actu­al­ly made by Verisign and they are cur­rent­ly test­ing it’s use with OpenID. I would­n’t have… Con­tin­ue read­ing This Is What Inter­net Secu­ri­ty Looks Like
