What I’d Like To See Happen With The Apple iPhone

Ini­tial­ly, Angela was pret­ty excit­ed about the Apple iPhone when we watched Steve Job’s pre­sen­ta­tion on the day of it’s announce­ment. The abil­i­ty to have all of her elec­tron­ics in one easy-to-han­­dle device was very appeal­ing to her, even with the high price tag and required cell provider switch (which we did, with some regret… Con­tin­ue read­ing What I’d Like To See Hap­pen With The Apple iPhone

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Beatles Versus Led Zepplin

I always though the only things the Bea­t­les and Led Zep­plin had in com­mon was that they were both genius, Eng­lish rock bands who had a pen­chant for mis­spelling. While that is prob­a­bly still true, what would it have sound like had The Bea­t­les writ­ten “Stair­way to Heav­en?” Well, it might have sound like this: That’s… Con­tin­ue read­ing Bea­t­les Ver­sus Led Zepplin