Creating Music (Notation) Together

My wife, Angela, stud­ied music for the first cou­ple of years at col­lege. She plays the flute and still per­forms a few times a year (most­ly at our church). How­ev­er, in all the years we’ve been togeth­er, we’ve nev­er actu­al­ly played any music togeth­er. In fact, we haven’t real­ly cre­at­ed many projects togeth­er (aside from… Con­tin­ue read­ing Cre­at­ing Music (Nota­tion) Together

Shiny Bowie

My kids love the Moana sound­track and who can blame them? Lin-Manuel Miran­da is amaz­ing. So back in Feb­ru­ary I intro­duced them to the Hamil­ton sound­track. Turns out, there are a lot of kids who love Hamil­ton (despite the not-at-all-age-appro­pri­ate mate­r­i­al in many of the songs). So, giv­en that music link­ing suc­cess (I’m get­ting burned out… Con­tin­ue read­ing Shiny Bowie

Out of nowhere, I got into the mood to lis­ten some Amy Wine­house this after­noon. It struck me as a real shame she nev­er got to record a Bond theme, among the many dis­ap­point­ments of los­ing her. Wine­house just had the per­fect sul­try, throw­back voice for a Bond film intro. I real­ize that it was ‘attempt­ed’ and, hon­est­ly, hav­ing a duet by Alishia Keys & Jack White is a pret­ty good con­so­la­tion. “Anoth­er Way to Die” is a great song, but I can’t help but won­der what could have been…

Beatles Versus Led Zepplin

I always though the only things the Bea­t­les and Led Zep­plin had in com­mon was that they were both genius, Eng­lish rock bands who had a pen­chant for mis­spelling. While that is prob­a­bly still true, what would it have sound like had The Bea­t­les writ­ten “Stair­way to Heav­en?” Well, it might have sound like this: That’s… Con­tin­ue read­ing Bea­t­les Ver­sus Led Zepplin

Rockin Out to Son Volt Again

My co-work­er Ron­nie has a friend who has a friend who made a very nice record­ing of the Son Volt con­cert I attend­ed a few weeks ago. I have to say, there’s some­thing cool about lis­ten­ing to a live record­ing know­ing you’re one of the peo­ple shout­ing in the audi­ence on it.

Five Fun Things Friday — Mid-June Edition

Okay, so this is turn­ing out to be more of a bi-week­­ly thing than any­thing else. I don’t recall ever promis­ing any­thing — as who would I promise it to? Five things that have been on my radar ‘o fun over the past cou­ple of weeks: This is a great music video by a for­mer­­ly-not-known-to-me Brit indie… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — Mid-June Edition

Five Fun Things: May 18th Edition

I’m try­ing to make this a week­ly thing, but who knows how long it’ll last. Anoth­er week flew by me and I’m not sure where it went. That’s more the norm than not I sup­pose. Here’s a few things, in no par­tic­u­lar order that have been inter­est­ing and enjoy­able this week: Get­ting to see inside me by… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things: May 18th Edition

Stephen Simmons Show

The Coal Men were sup­posed to be play­ing in Ash­land tomor­row night (the fourth), but as things hap­pened, that show fell through. How­ev­er, Tues­day before last, Dave called me up to let me know he’d be in town with Stephen Sim­mons to play a show on the 27th. I real­ly enjoyed Stephen’s show last time… Con­tin­ue read­ing Stephen Sim­mons Show

Five Random Songs

This is blog meme from a long time ago and I’m just now get­ting around to post­ing it, even though it was old even before I did it, as at least one of the songs indi­cates. In keep­ing with the idea of the meme as I first read it, I one day just put my… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Ran­dom Songs

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