Twitter Updates for 2008-03-27

I think Pho­to­shop Express would more accu­rate­ly be called Light­room Express. # Pow­ered by Twit­ter Tools.

Categorized as Remainder

Twitter Updates for 2008-03-26

@robknight: Good god, that’s one huge cat belleh. Is that where the mouse hid? In the folds of cat? # Becom­ing more painful­ly obvi­ous to me that the “stan­dards move­ment” con­sists of design­ers, and not sci­en­tists, engi­neers, or (tech) writ­ers. # Pow­ered by Twit­ter Tools.

Categorized as Remainder

Twitter Updates for 2008-03-24

@trey: Yes, though I guess it was only a mat­ter of time before this start­ed hap­pen­ing. The kid’s pret­ty good. # Pow­ered by Twit­ter Tools.

Categorized as Remainder

Twitter Updates for 2008-03-23

At the in-laws for the East­er. They watched the dogs for us while we were in CA. Good to see the ‘rents & pooches. # @leolaporte Years with­out cof­fee? Wel­come back from the wilder­ness. # Pow­ered by Twit­ter Tools.

Categorized as Remainder

Twitter Updates for 2008-03-22

@postpostmodern: I’m sure more peo­ple than you real­ize are look­ing for­ward to that. # Pow­ered by Twit­ter Tools.

Categorized as Remainder

Twitter Updates for 2008-03-21

I won­der if any­one I know has made it over the Cum­ber­land Coun­ty Cour­t­house yet? # Try­ing to edit a rather bor­ing 35 minute soft­ware demo to a slight­ly less bor­ing 7–8 minute demo. # Pow­ered by Twit­ter Tools.

Categorized as Remainder