I reached 10,000 miles on my Nis­san LEAF this past Sun­day evening. It’s prob­a­bly a lot less than nor­mal dri­ving for about 22 months, but just goes to show that an ev is a per­fect fit for me. I just don’t real­ly dri­ve that far.

10,000 EV Miles

Hit 10,000 miles in my LEAF while dri­ving to pick up Chipo­tle, which was a high­ly like­ly cir­cum­stance know­ing our family.

Whiskerino — Day 90

Whiskerino - Day 90
Whiskeri­no — Day 90 (Clame­bute) - That’s Icewind Dale direct­ly North of my right shoul­der for you Driz­zt fans out there

This is my pho­to trib­ute to a pic­ture by Trey tak­en on Day 20 of Whiskeri­no. And if that map looks famil­iar to you (or, per­haps, not all if you’re not a D&D fan), that’s because:

Department of Engineering Science

This is an old mate­ri­als engi­neer­ing hand­book that was giv­en to me by a pro­fes­sor upon his retire­ment from my under­grad uni­ver­si­ty. I believe he res­cued it from as it was being retired from the uni­ver­si­ty library. When he was clean­ing out his office, he asked a few stu­dents to come in, indi­vid­u­al­ly, and select… Con­tin­ue read­ing Depart­ment of Engi­neer­ing Science

Flickr and Creative Commons

I’ve nev­er giv­en it much thought as I’ve tried to be con­sis­tent, but Flickr allows users to switch back and forth between Cre­ative Com­mons licens­es and tra­di­tion­al copy­right, despite this being in vio­la­tion of the CC license itself. Most of my work has been pub­lished under a Attri­bu­­tion- Non­com­mer­i­cal, Share-alike CC license since I first… Con­tin­ue read­ing Flickr and Cre­ative Commons