The Pheonix Has Landed

NASA had put the odds at around 50% of hav­ing a suc­cess­ful land­ing near the North Pole of Mars. Their track record of Mars mis­sions thus far was­n’t even that high (55% of mis­sions had been lost). How­ev­er, with amaz­ing suc­cess­es like the two rovers who have sim­ply kept going, that coin-toss of chance seemed okay.

Today, after what was described as an excru­ci­at­ing sev­en minute time of decent, NASA report­ed a suc­cess­ful land­ing. What’s more, they even have the pho­tos to show for it.

Pheonix Lander Foot

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona and NASA teams. Every­one is look­ing for­ward to some more great sci­ence from this mission.

Categorized as General

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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