The sto­ry of how a cou­ple of guys used Kick­starter to raise the funds to pro­duce a great prod­uct idea.

On July 11th, 2010, Tom Ger­hardt and I had an idea for an iPhone acces­so­ry: a tri­pod mount that dou­bled as a stand. Five months lat­er, cus­tomers began to receive our prod­uct, the Glif, in the mail. This turn­around, from idea to mar­ket in five months by two guys with no retail or man­u­fac­tur­ing expe­ri­ence, sig­ni­fies a shift in the way prod­ucts are made and sold — a shift only made pos­si­ble in the last cou­ple years.

This is has become a dar­ling exam­ple of how a great idea and some smart exe­cu­tion can lever­age a flat world to make some mon­ey, and right­ly so. (via Gruber)