Sliding Mixer Shelf

Some addi­tion­al details on this lit­tle project: the shelf was a piece of scrap 3/4″ maple ply­wood my lit­tle broth­er gave me. I did­n’t want to take the time to edge band the entire thing and I fig­ured a small lip on the front would serve as a pull han­dle. So I cut down some 3/8″ sol­id maple I had. I used my new pin nail­er to attach the hard­wood while the glue dried (yes, that works just as well as every YouTu­ber indi­cates it does!). This isn’t the pre­scribed method for using these under­count draw­er slides, but they work great any­way. Nor­mal­ly, this sort of draw­er should (in addi­tion to being an actu­al draw­er) have sides and a front.

Categorized as General

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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