The Statue of Libery Replica in the Luxembourg Gardens of Paris.
Category: General
My Life In Brief
I’ve been so busy lately, I almost forgot I had a blog. You probably forgot I had a blog, too.
Copyright Law
These may be dumb questions on copyright law, but with social software and photography sites being incredibly popular, I can only imagine they’ll come up more and more.
I’m A Kottke Micropatron
Keep this man in clean underwear.
Too Much Going On Can’t Think
Woah! While it may seem like I haven’t posted in forever so therefore nothing must have been happening, quite the opposite is true. There has been so much going on in the past week-and-a-half I’m going nuts.
Wil Wheaton’s Not Dead
I happened accross Wil Wheaton’s site today and I can tell already, he and I are going to be good friends.
One, Two, …
Happy Three Four Five!
My Rental
Slushy Road Originally uploaded by super_structure. I took my truck in yesterday to have some service done (minor recall crap). The dealership gave me a rental for the day, which turned out to be a Mazda 3. Okay, it’s not Ferrari or anything, but much nicer than the broken down Ford Focus they gave me… Continue reading My Rental
Everything That Was Old Is New Again
I’ve got the site, well, looking exactly like it did a couple of days ago.
Professional Amatuers
Bloggers seem to be the story in the news lately. This all reminds me of Gomer Pyle shouting “Cit-i-zen’s Arrast, Cit-i-zen’s Arrast!”