Did You Change Your Hair?

I’m in the process of upgrad­ing to Word­Press 1.5. Yes, I’m about a week late, but I’m no less excited.

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Beauty Is Skin Deep

To any­one who isn’t read­ing this site by Braille, you can tell that the look is chang­ing. Of course, that’s all that’s chang­ing since I’m spend­ing this evening play­ing with the style sheet. To facil­i­tate an on-going dis­cus­sion between myself and the Jedi Mas­ter design­er, Jason John­son, I thought I’d cre­ate a new post to… Con­tin­ue read­ing Beau­ty Is Skin Deep

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The Sign of Things To Come

You can eas­i­ly see that things are very dif­fer­ent around here. It’s a new year, and I’ve got what appears to be a new site at first glance. I’ve switched from Blog­ger to Word­Press & also switched web servers. This is all thanks to my good friend Jason John­son, who is gra­cious­ly help­ing me get… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Sign of Things To Come

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I Now Seem To Suffer From Insomnia

Bridge of GlassOrig­i­nal­ly uploaded by super_structure. Per Wired’s rec­om­men­da­tion (updat­ed link here), I signed up for an account at Flickr; and I’m already glad I did. With­in a mat­ter of min­utes I had some pho­tos uploaded, tagged, titled, and grouped. Short­ly there­after, peo­ple were already adding com­ments.  Cur­rent­ly, I just have some pho­tos of sev­er­al… Con­tin­ue read­ing I Now Seem To Suf­fer From Insomnia

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Working Through The Night

Well, I real­ize it might not quite show yet, but I’m work­ing dili­gent­ly on this site over­haul this week­end. Of course, the front end is pret­ty much done at this point, with just cos­met­ics to be improved. Of course, some con­tent oth­er telling peo­ple that I’m work­ing on it might be nice. That’s all to… Con­tin­ue read­ing Work­ing Through The Night

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