Did You Change Your Hair?

Things look dif­fer­ent about the same around here, and it’s not all for the best at the moment. You’ll see that the indi­vid­u­al­i­ty has been sucked right out of the look at super_structure. You may also find that a num­ber of links are dead around the site (hope­ful­ly not the posts… my pre­cious posts). Ah, who am I kid­ding, there were always dead links around here.

Any­way, I final­ly took the leap of the deep end of the blog­ging pool and decid­ed to upgrade to Word­Press 1.5. It’s got a cou­ple of real­ly cool fea­tures that I’m very excit­ed about using:

  1. Pages: Not every­thing in the world is a blog post. My old site had tons of cool pages that I’ve been search­ing for a way to inte­grate on here, and I’ve now got an answer. Best of all, it does­n’t involve me writ­ing so much damn markup!
  2. Themes: This goes along with the whole pages thing. Now, I can cre­ate a nice look and feel that is con­sis­tent among all the pages and posts with in the site. It even allows me to have 404 pages that look like the rest of the site. I best be get­ting right on that one, since you’ll be see­ing a lot of them for a while!

Well, I’ve got a lot of work to do, and it’s going to take a while. Check back often and please post com­ments here if you find some bro­ken links, errors, etc.

Update: Well, if you’ve tried to leave a com­ment, then you know that’s pret­ty tough to do. There is some­thing or oth­er wrong with the com­ment field such that you can’t fill in your name or e‑mail and of course you can’t com­ment with­out those! Well, I’ll work on get­ting that cor­rect­ed. You can always just e‑mail me at jason(at)jasoncoleman(dot)net

Categorized as Meta

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

1 comment

  1. I’ve put a ban­dage on the com­ment sec­tion for now. If you think php is ugly, you should see it when I get done with it. Now, if I could just get this damn post-page to look right… hand me the hammer.

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