The Coal Men Play Richmond

Ear­ly last month, my broth­er, Dave, and his band mate Dave Ray trav­eled up to Rich­mond to play a Coal Men show at the Ash­land Cof­fee and Tea House. I was­n’t sure what to expect when Dave C. told me that the bass play­er, Hitch, would­n’t be able to make it. Most trios have to… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Coal Men Play Richmond

Categorized as Life, Music

Traveling Band

Dave rocks out on his twangy Tele­cast­er while play­ing for Stephen Sim­mons, who was in Ash­land, VA last Fri­day night. That’s Paul on drums and Willie on bass. My younger broth­er Dave was in town Fri­day to play a show up at the Ash­land Cof­fee & Tea house with Stephen Sim­mons. We had a good time… Con­tin­ue read­ing Trav­el­ing Band

Categorized as Life, Music

New Coal Men Site

The Coal Men web­site was recent­ly updat­ed. The whole site is in the process of get­ting updat­ed, but I like the new look. Of course, you can skip over their MySpace site for show dates and music clips. The new album should be com­ing soon and they just keep sound­ing better.

My Pandora Thinks I’m… Okay, It Just Thinks

I just this evening dis­cov­ered prob­a­bly the only online stream­ing web site for music I’ve ever want­ed to lis­ten to. That’s because I actu­al­ly get to dic­tate what gets played on this sta­tion. I real­ly quit lis­ten­ing to radio a few years ago and buy­ing an iPod real­ly sealed that cof­fin. As much as I… Con­tin­ue read­ing My Pan­do­ra Thinks I’m… Okay, It Just Thinks

Categorized as Geek, Music

End of the Rode

I received an e‑mail today with absolute­ly noth­ing new in it today. It was an e‑mail that I knew was com­ing and I knew almost exact­ly what it would say. What I did­n’t know is just how sad I’d be when I saw it. My friends’ band, Green Rode Shot­gun, are going their sep­a­rate ways. They’ve… Con­tin­ue read­ing End of the Rode

Categorized as Life, Music

Borderless Shopping

In the age of dig­i­tal deliv­ery of goods, what do I care about nation­al borders?

Categorized as Music


When I was kid, I hat­ed to have mow lawns (but I liked the mon­ey). No one pays me to do it now, but I love yard work.

Categorized as Life, Music