So, which makes me a bigger geek? That I’m selling a bunch of old home network equipment on ebay, or the very fact that I have all this stuff in the first place? Okay, I’ve had a home network for several years now, and I’ve been trying to upgrade along the way. First wired with… Continue reading What Is Geeky?
Working Through The Night
Well, I realize it might not quite show yet, but I’m working diligently on this site overhaul this weekend. Of course, the front end is pretty much done at this point, with just cosmetics to be improved. Of course, some content other telling people that I’m working on it might be nice. That’s all to… Continue reading Working Through The Night
Keepin’ Up With The Jones’
My weekend project for the first weekend of December: Create a Web Blog. So, here goes trying. I suppose a wise choice for a first blog entry would be all about how excited I am to have my first blog and so on, but that seems a little too obvious, so let’s just pretend I’ve… Continue reading Keepin’ Up With The Jones’