Office Christmas Party

Jason & Angie

Jason & Ang­ie at this year’s SPA Christ­mas Par­ty. Who knew I could look that smug? Copy­right 2005 Scott Gutierrez

Last Sat­ur­day evening, Angela and I drove to Vir­ginia Beach to attend the com­pa­ny-wide Christ­mas Par­ty. We had most of the Vir­ginia Beach and Rich­mond officesin atten­dance for a great din­ner and the chance for us all to hang out out­sid eof the office.

Scott Gutier­rez, our com­pa­ny IT-man, also hap­pens to be tal­ent­ed pho­tog­ra­ph­er and was on hand to take lots of pho­tos. He’s very good at tak­ing both staged and can­did shots with his big Nikon SLR. Just as cool, he’s start­ed a Flickr account for the com­pa­ny, with pho­tos from the par­ty as well as the con­struc­tion of their new offices (he’s locat­ed in the VA Beach office).

After the din­ner par­ty, some of us head­ed over to Mur­phy’s Irish Pub down the street to catch a few beers before head­ing to bed. It was loud and smokey, but a few of us sat around and caught up, which is always nice.

Oh, and Scott, call her Angela if you know what’s good for you, man.

Categorized as Life

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. Hi Jason,

    I try to find your email but i could­n’t find your email so i decid­ed to post it here. Do you remem­ber me? I’m the por­tuguese guy who played soc­cer with you at YAI. I can see you are doing well. Please drop me an email…


  2. Believe it or not but I grew up in Vir­ginia Beach! My dad was in the Navy for 20yrs, out in Nor­folk, and those were mag­i­cal times for my fam­i­ly. The ships would be all dec­o­rat­ed with lights dur­ing the Christ­mas sea­son, it was won­der­ful. What I miss the most about liv­ing on the coast was the abun­dant­ly cheap seafood! We use to boil buck­ets of crabs dur­ing sum­mers, but here in the Mid­west it’s not so available.

  3. Fil­ipe: I’ll con­tact you via e‑mail. I’m so glad you found my site, though.

    Crys­tal: I’m from the moun­tains of Ten­nessee and hav­ing all this seafood so close and so cheap has been incred­i­ble for me. I think Chica­go is an incred­i­ble city, but it would be hard to leave all this crab and shrimp behind.

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