How I Know I’ll Be Married A Long Time

It’s not secret that two things that real­ly pull on my wife’s heart strings are pup­py dogs and lit­tle, gray-haired old men. Then there’s pup­py dogs who resem­ble lit­tle, gray haired old men (as in these). She can bare­ly stand to look at them with­out run­ning the risk of get­ting emo­tion­al. How­ev­er, it’s the fact… Con­tin­ue read­ing How I Know I’ll Be Mar­ried A Long Time

Categorized as Geek, Life

Happy Thanksgiving

Angela and I have my moth­er vis­it­ing us for a week this Thanks­giv­ing. The three of us went out to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Rich­mond for the annu­al Turkey Trot 10k this morn­ing. What a great way to kick off the hol­i­day. U of R is one of the most beau­ti­ful cam­pus­es in the coun­try and,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Hap­py Thanksgiving

Categorized as General

TiVo Nearly Has IPTV

TiVo won’t trans­fer con­tent that has been down­loaded over the inter­net. Click image for full view. Just recent­ly, TiVo announced they would pro­vide week­ly down­load of prod­uct reviews by CNET. While not near­ly like hav­ing C|Net back on the air again (I miss Richard Hart and Gena St. John talk­ing tech on C|Net Cen­tral), it was… Con­tin­ue read­ing TiVo Near­ly Has IPTV

What’s In A Name

I could­n’t ever use (or .org, .net, etc) because it was­n’t an allowed name.

Categorized as Meta

Blogging Hack

I have a Microsoft Office Key­board and Wire­less Explor­er Mouse on my home desktop(s). I love the extra func­tion­al­i­ty of these devices due to the forward/back brows­er but­tons (among oth­er but­tons). I’ve even bought a sec­ond Office key­board for my office desk­top because I found the copy/cut/paste and the appli­ca­tion switch but­tons to be so… Con­tin­ue read­ing Blog­ging Hack

Categorized as Geek, Meta

Running The Marathon

My mind, in a mat­ter of sec­onds, retraced the route I had just been on. Sure enough, I had just run a marathon.

Categorized as Running

Clueless in Tampa

Back in the late Spring of 2003, I was locat­ed in Tam­pa for two-and-a-half months for busi­ness. While there, I had a great deal of time to catch up on read­ing and, for what ever rea­son, decid­ed to spend it on polit­i­cal sci­ence books. While pick­ing up a cou­ple of books at the local Barnes… Con­tin­ue read­ing Clue­less in Tampa