Social Amazon

Web2.0 might just have gained it’s great­est ally yet. Some­where over the last week (to the best of my knowl­edge) has added sev­er­al new fea­tures of social net­work­ing. That would make them, I think, the first online retail­er to make use of this aspect of trendy Web2.0. I’d say, giv­en how influ­en­tial Ama­zon’s cus­tomer rat­ings and reviews are, they’ve been mak­ing use of social-web all along. How­ev­er, here they are active­ly try­ing to engage their cus­tomers and users into help­ing make them a strong con­sumer resource and, hope­ful­ly for them, a more dom­i­nant retailer.

Ama­zon has been around for quite a while in terms of the inter­net, and they are often seen as any­thing but cut­ting edge. Google is the brain-trust of the inter­net these days. Yahoo! has once again become a dar­ling, although prob­a­bly because they bought every­one’s dar­ling, Flickr. eBay buys Skype to facil­i­tate bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tions between buy­ers and sell­ers. So many oth­er com­pa­nies and sites are seen as doing all the bleed­ing edge work. How­ev­er, Ama­zon con­sis­tent­ly proves itself as one of the most amaz­ing places on the inter­net. The sell pret­ty much every­thing on the plan­et that can be deliv­ered on a truck or dig­i­tal­ly. In the UK, they even have a Net­flix-like DVD rental store. They could get into music and movie down­loads with almost the touch of a but­ton1. What’s more amaz­ing, is the fact that they’ve done all this with­out real­ly ever acquir­ing any oth­er com­pa­ny. It’s been Ama­zon all the way.

What’s more, they love their cus­tomers and they seem to enjoy what their cus­tomers do for them. They’ve main­tained a data­base-like store that they allow oth­er’s to access for their own uses. They have always wel­comed cus­tomer reviews and com­ments, even when less-than-favor­able. That has been one of the cor­ner-stones of Ama­zon’s suc­cess, in my opin­ion. The wide­ly held view that what­ev­er you say on Ama­zon gets left there. So, what’s next for every­body’s best friend who just nev­er seems to get invit­ed to the cool par­ties anymore?

Tag, You’re It!

Add a tag to describe the Canon ZR200

Add a tag word to describe the Canon ZR200 at Many items now have this feature.

First, they’ve added the abil­i­ty for users to add “tags” to prod­ucts. These tags can be pub­lic or pri­vate and could add more search able data to indi­vid­ual prod­ucts. A per­son who read a nice review in Wired mag­a­zine could tag a prod­uct “wired” for any­one else who also want­ed anoth­er way to find that prod­uct they remem­bered read­ing some­thing about, but just could­n’t remem­ber the man­u­fac­tur­er or mod­el name. The pos­si­bil­i­ties spi­ral from there.

Update 2005-12-06: I noticed today that tags were miss­ing from var­i­ous prod­uct pages on I guess these are all very much in Beta at this point.

Where’s That Wiki?

Now Amazon users can add not only reviews, but all sorts of product information.

Now Ama­zon’s users have a place to share the wealth of knowl­edge they’ve gained using prod­ucts avail­able there.

Much more qui­et­ly, they’re adding prod­uct Wik­i’s writ­ten by users for any giv­en prod­uct. Far too many prod­uct reviews have tips, hacks, and exter­nal data that real­ly does­n’t fall under review infor­ma­tion. The fact that third-par­ty firmware makes my router more handy real­ly isn’t a review of the router in-of-itself. How­ev­er, that infor­ma­tion is still very handy to know, plus where to get it and some brief instruc­tions on installing it. Again, the only lim­its on func­tion­al­i­ty are by the users’ cre­ativ­i­ty. How­ev­er, if you know that Ama­zon has loads of tips and tricks on the par­tic­u­lar hard­ware you’re look­ing for, you’re liable to stick around the web site just that much longer and Ama­zon knows this.

How well does this scale to oth­er prod­ucts? How far does your cre­ativ­i­ty lead you? I don’t mean to sound like some bad dot-com era com­mer­cial, but we just don’t know how use­ful this can be until cus­tomers get their hands on it. How­ev­er, the Wiki has been very hard to find. I found it while brows­ing for a Canon cam­corder a few days ago (when I grabbed this screen­shot), but noticed it was nowhere to be found on the same page this evening. Oth­er’s have noticed this phe­nom­e­non as well; some say­ing that it depends on which com­put­er you use. Of course, I’m on my same desk­top and it has come and gone, so I’m not sure about that. No ones seems to have actu­al­ly entered any­thing into one just as of yet2. I real­ly want to get my hands on this thing and try it out.

Amazon Listened To Me

Last­ly, as if my prayers were answered, Ama­zon has added a “Gift Lists” fea­ture that allows users to keep track of the Wish Lists of friends and fam­i­ly (or who­ev­er) as well as add “occa­sions” (i.e. — birth­days, anniver­saries, valen­tine’s, etc.) and save gift ideas for that indi­vid­ual. Of course, the tim­ing for the hol­i­days is pret­ty obvi­ous, and that is cer­tain­ly where a fea­ture such as this is most use­ful. How­ev­er, how well this fea­ture is imple­ment­ed, I can’t say. I’ve only so-far been able to add sev­er­al peo­ple to my Gift Orga­niz­er (that’s where you’ll look for this thing, by the way). I don’t know if you get some sort of nice e‑mail reminder days before their birth­day with the top sev­er­al items on the list or any gift ideas you’ve added for them. That would be nice (and insane­ly easy for Ama­zon to imple­ment, not to men­tion near­ly cost-free for them).

The only item on my wish list now, is that Jason J. and I had got­ten on this project and beat­en Ama­zon to it. Oh well. Maybe I’ll send them a Christ­mas card this year since they got me something.

Amazon Forums

One last item in Beta at Ama­zon is Cus­tomer Dis­cus­sions. I’ve not seen much at all of this myself, but I think it’s also pret­ty self-explana­to­ry (you can see some more here). Here, you could ask the net about all sorts of prod­uct that might not oth­er­wise have forums. Sure, peo­ple dis­cuss iPods and Linksys routers all over the net, but what if you want to know more specifics about a book or movie? If you’re think­ing about look­ing of a place to dis­cuss those by search­ing at Google, then you obvi­ous­ly can under­stand how Ama­zon can cap­i­tal­ize on yet even more traf­fic here. Want to know if the lat­est Har­ry Pot­ter book is too scary for your eight-year-old? Ask oth­er Ama­zon users right on the pro­duc­t’s page, or per­haps some­one’s already done the asking.

  1. Okay, obvi­ous­ly not that easy, but like­ly with less grow­ing pain than any­one else. []
  2. Those con­sumer advo­cates over at Church of the Cus­tomer Blog may have actu­al­ly been able to get into one. How­ev­er, they’re screen­shot leave a lot to be desired. []
Categorized as Geek

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. That’s one of the things I love about Ama­zon, they’re DB is so open and there’s a lim­it­less amount of apps that can be made using it. That, and they recent­ly gave me a free Ama­zon Prime account for three months.

    Oh, and there are plen­ty of oth­er apps to be made else­where, but since we were talk­ing ’bout Amazon.

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