The Wonders Of Modern Medicine

I’ve been debat­ing on writ­ing this blog arti­cle for 10 months now. I did­n’t want to offend any friends with it, since I have a num­ber who are phar­ma­cists, many who are con­ser­v­a­tives, still more who are Chris­tians. How­ev­er, I don’t think they’ll be offend­ed at all if they’ll just read what I have to say.

Phar­ma­cists are like engi­neers in at least one way: when they make the news, it is almost nev­er a good thing. Last Spring, a num­ber of phar­ma­cists made nation­al head­lines when they refused to fill pre­scrip­tions for The Morn­ing After Pill, which isn’t so much a sin­gle pill as a short reg­i­ment of pills. Brand named Plan‑B, made by Barr Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, went against these pro­fes­sion­als’ reli­gious beliefs and so they stat­ed that they could not in good con­science sell it. The facts have seemed to me hard to pin down on exact­ly what hap­pened in any one case, but I have found some records 1. Par­tic­u­lar­ly, to what lev­el were these women denied hav­ing the pre­scrip­tions filled? Some report­ed that two women were sim­ply told to come back at anoth­er time and con­sult a dif­fer­ent phar­ma­cist who would be com­fort­able dis­pens­ing the med­ica­tion. How­ev­er, oth­er women stat­ed that a phar­ma­cist had tak­en their pre­scrip­tion, refused to fill it or even give it back so they could go else­where. Fur­ther yet, some stat­ed that they were giv­en lec­tures by phar­ma­cists on abor­tion and religion.

In response, the gov­er­nor of Illi­nois signed into law a rule requir­ing phar­ma­cists to fill these pre­scrip­tions with­out delay. Five phar­ma­cists from Wal­greens were sus­pend­ed or fired, along with at least one from Tar­get. Sev­er­al more states are con­sid­er­ing a vari­ety of laws, from requir­ing pre­scrip­tions to be filled to pro­vid­ing rights of con­science for phar­ma­cists and oth­er health care work­ers. The phar­ma­cists from Wal­greens are suing in Illi­nois, claim­ing they were fired in vio­la­tion of the state’s health­care work­er’s rights act for not agree­ing to uphold the new with­out delay law. More recent­ly, the Mass­a­chu­setts state Board of Phar­ma­cy required Wal-Mart to begin stock­ing and sell­ing Plan‑B to com­ply with the state’s law for stock­ing all com­mon­ly pre­scribed medications.

Allow me to attempt to out­lay some of the dan­gers of both sides of this argu­ment. First, as a licensed pro­fes­sion­al, telling a phar­ma­cists to just ‘shut up and do your job’ has severe dan­gers entailed. They don’t sell paper­clips back behind that counter. Pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tions are often dan­ger­ous or even life threat­en­ing if not tak­en prop­er­ly. The phar­ma­cist serves as a safe­ty guard between the physi­cian (who typ­i­cal­ly only has one course in med­ica­tions and the pam­phlets the drug reps leave behind) and the patient. The num­ber of calls made by the phar­ma­cist to a doc­tor or nurse alone regard­ing mis-pre­scribed drugs is enough to mer­it their role. They do much more, but let’s be clear: they have a license for a rea­son. They are trained health care pro­fes­sion­als whose judg­ment helps patients’ lives. Telling license pro­fes­sion­als to shut up and do their job results in tragedies, and when tech­ni­cal­ly igno­rant law­mak­ers step in to force that men­tal­i­ty, the pub­lic is receiv­ing a dis­ser­vice. Par­tic­u­lar­ly in the case of phar­ma­cists, telling them to just fill what­ev­er comes across the counter is a recipe for forged pre­scrip­tions, doc­tor shop­ping, and drug abuse.

Now, on the oth­er side, becom­ing a licensed pro­fes­sion­al requires one to make cer­tain promis­es to the pub­lic, for it is they in the end who have grant­ed us the license to prac­tice. Through a proxy of a state-board of pro­fes­sion­als appoint­ed by an elect­ed gov­ern­ment, we answer to the pub­lic. Not indi­vid­u­al­ly, but by con­sen­sus. Fur­ther, we do not have the author­i­ty to think that any one of our judg­ments so vast­ly out­weighs those of the rest of our field that we can sim­ply ignore any rule or code. Also, we must not be activists for some cause that is whol­ly sep­a­rate from our work when per­form­ing those duties. We are not robots, and all have our own morals. How­ev­er, morals must nev­er be con­fused with pro­fes­sion­al ethics2. Again, in the case of phar­ma­cists, they must refrain from forc­ing their views upon patients. It is not their pro­fes­sion­al role to judge and enforce laws which aren’t asso­ci­at­ed with their license.

If a phar­ma­cist is uncom­fort­able from fill­ing a pre­scrip­tion, for what­ev­er rea­son, this should be made clear to employ­ers and patients in advance (yes, even post­ing signs to that effect). When a patient does present such a pre­scrip­tion to the phar­ma­cist, then it is their duty to give them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have it filled by anoth­er staff mem­ber or a phar­ma­cy in the imme­di­ate area. Bar­ring that pos­si­bil­i­ty (think rur­al areas), the phar­ma­cist should fill the pre­scrip­tion. This is essen­tial­ly what the Illi­nois law requires and is what the APhA states [pdf] is it’s pol­i­cy on the mat­ter. The notion of being able to deny health-care ser­vices to some­one a pro­fes­sion­al does not feel com­fort­able pro­vid­ing for is a dan­ger­ous con­cept. I can assure you, some­one out there does­n’t want to help you because of some­thing you are or have done. None of us will be ben­e­fit­ed by allow­ing that to hap­pen (for­tu­nate­ly, the vast major­i­ty of health care work­ers under­stand that their oaths does not allow for moral judg­ments of others).

Last­ly, and more to the point of this case of Plan‑B. I real­ly think that the phar­ma­cists in ques­tions should famil­iar­ize them­selves more with the sci­ence of how the drug works. In laymen’s terms, the drug can­not work if if a woman is already preg­nant. All it does is pre­vent the egg from being released or the sperm from fer­til­iz­ing the egg (it is just a strong dose of birth con­trol, after all, not RU-486). It is no more an abor­ti­fi­ciant than a con­dom is, or for that mat­ter, the fact that you’re read­ing this and not hav­ing sex is (blog read­ing is a very effi­cient form of birth con­trol). If life begins at con­cep­tion, as many main­tain, then this sim­ply can­not be abort­ing life. Life by that def­i­n­i­tion has not yet hap­pened. Phar­ma­cists are health care pro­fes­sion­als, and it seems a dis­grace­ful mark on the few that don’t wish to be both­ered with under­stand­ing biol­o­gy that might con­flict with knee-jerk judgment.

My final point: shut up and be a pro­fes­sion­al. It’s a high stan­dard, but it is what you are trained for.

Am I com­plete­ly off the mark here? Is every­one offend­ed at this point? I hope not, but say so below. This is your place for dis­cus­sion as much as it is mine.

  1. Lazy web, go do my bid­ding: feel free to com­ment on any one case or as a whole as you find them. []
  2. The rea­son why those are dif­fer­ent fills vol­umes and I’m not going to go into it now. []

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. I agree that pro­fe­sion­als (that includes med­ical, engi­neer­ing, legal, finan­cial, etc), but espe­cial­ly those pro­fes­sion­als who influ­ence is para­mount to the safe­ty and well-being of their charges, should not be coerced into mak­ing choic­es they find immoral, unsafe, or oth­er­wise unde­sir­able to their charges. That said I am inter­est­ed in under­stand­ing your opin­ion on whether or not the pro­fes­sion­al who is in their par­tic­u­lar dilem­ma should remove them­selves from mak­ing this choice. Please don’t lim­it this dis­cus­sion to the Plan B issue as prece­dence for this issue can cer­tain­ly be tran­posed from oth­er fields (engi­neer­ing require­ments vs cost deci­sions and attor­ney-client priv­eledges come to mind). There must be a large num­ber of cir­cum­stances where remov­ing your­self from the deci­sion is pos­si­ble. This may abdi­cate the respon­si­bil­i­ty and there­fore I’m not sure that I ful­ly sup­port this. The right choic­es are not always read­i­ly apparent.

    My take on this is that life is full of choic­es and all too often these choic­es that we must make inter­fere with oth­er choic­es. This is life. I per­son­al­ly strug­gle with what exact­ly is the moral thing to do when it comes to con­tra­cep­tion (pre or post con­cep­tion) and lots of oth­er issues (when does life begin?, etc). I ful­ly admit that I do not have the answer and I sit the fence, mostly.

    As to your con­cern about offend­ing peo­ple; it’s your blog man. Regard­less of peo­ple’s opin­ions we should all be able to friend­ly disagree.

    One more thing: One of the prob­lems with let­ting the inter­net do our bid­ding is that it does­n’t always come back with answers that address the opin­ions of those on both sides an issue. I am pret­ty sure that Planned Par­ent­hood stands square­ly on one side of the fence on this issue. Do you know of par­ties on the oth­er side of the fence (even if the method of their argu­ment is flawed)?

    Sor­ry to ramble.

  2. I am inter­est­ed in under­stand­ing your opin­ion on whether or not the pro­fes­sion­al who is in their par­tic­u­lar dilem­ma should remove them­selves from mak­ing this choice. Wow. I wish I had a sin­gle answer to that. I think from our point of view (as engi­neers), the answers are so much more clear cut. We have quan­ti­ta­tive results which we can rely on. In the mat­ter of eth­i­cal choic­es, I find myself going back to read­ing my pro­fes­sion’s code of ethics to frame my deci­sion and there­fore, my ulti­mate choice. Hope­ful­ly, by using those guide­lines that have been so painstak­ing­ly put togeth­er, I will do the most good for myself, the pro­fes­sion, and the public.

    Oth­er pro­fes­sions do not have it so easy (like our wives). They must weigh their deci­sions against far more abstract ideas such as ‘do no harm.’ (Harm can be rel­a­tive, I think) While it might not be fair to make them state up front any con­scious objec­tion they may have to ful­fill­ing what are con­sid­ered reg­u­lar duties (how can we expect any­one to fore­see any eth­i­cal dilem­ma that might arise?), we should ask them to make it clear that in prin­ci­ple they might find some roles objectionable.

    I once inter­viewed with a com­pa­ny whose major clients includ­ed com­pa­nies who make cig­a­rettes and oth­ers who pro­duce a large amount of pol­lu­tants. They indi­cat­ed their atti­tude was to help their clients com­ply with the absolute min­i­mum stan­dards and no more. If I had any ‘green’ sen­si­bil­i­ties, it was made clear I’d be unhap­py. I polite­ly declined to pur­sue the posi­tion any fur­ther. I sup­pose some oth­er engi­neer came along and is doing the job, which makes a zero-sum, but my con­science would­n’t allow me to do it. As a pro­fes­sion­al, I have a duty to my employ­er. If I per­son­al­ly dis­agree with their clients pol­lu­tion or prac­tices, then I must pur­sue change in that area out­side of my capac­i­ty as an engi­neer. I can­not use that capac­i­ty to sub­vert what is cur­rent­ly legal. Of course, this is more anec­do­tal argu­ment, but hope­ful­ly helps to clar­i­fy how I feel about the issue of pro­fes­sion­als ful­fill­ing their roles in spite of per­son­al objections.

    As far as that fence goes, we all walk it for the most part. Many of us lean one way or the oth­er depend­ing on which way the wind blows, myself includ­ed. How­ev­er, I think the most impor­tant thing is to think out a con­sis­tent set of prin­ci­ples and fol­low them. We base these on reli­gious views or on oth­er prin­ci­ples. Not easy, but does help as a guide.

    Do you know of par­ties on the oth­er side of the fence? As I men­tioned, I had a hard time find­ing fur­ther descrip­tions of these wom­en’s sto­ries and the PP page had some sum­maries of most I’d read about pre­vi­ous­ly. I did­n’t mean to endorse them or their detrac­tors, either. I had (at one point) found a web site for pro-life phar­ma­cists and oth­er health-care work­ers, but have since lost it. So, they’re out there, and do have some points to make in their argu­ment. (Here’s one, and it’s not pret­ty. Not the one I found 10 months ago.)

    Sor­ry to ram­ble. Hey, like you say, it’s my blog, and ram­bling is encour­aged. Fur­ther, I’d say we’re in much more agree­ment than not.

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