
I had a remark­able 241 com­ment spam items caught by Akismet this morn­ing. So far, Akismet has missed only about two or three items and only had one false pos­i­tive that I know of. Pret­ty remark­able since it has caught over 1,600 com­ment spam messeges since I first installed it. How­ev­er, I don’t the patience… Con­tin­ue read­ing Spam-a-lot

Traveling Band

Dave rocks out on his twangy Tele­cast­er while play­ing for Stephen Sim­mons, who was in Ash­land, VA last Fri­day night. That’s Paul on drums and Willie on bass. My younger broth­er Dave was in town Fri­day to play a show up at the Ash­land Cof­fee & Tea house with Stephen Sim­mons. We had a good time… Con­tin­ue read­ing Trav­el­ing Band

Categorized as Life, Music