Rare But Not Of Concern

So, the whole sixth lum­bar ver­te­bra has kind of been of inter­est to me. I did some online search­ing and found an inter­est­ing arti­cle which explains the abnor­mal­i­ty some:

[A]pproximately 10% of adults, have a con­gen­i­tal anom­aly in their low­er back. One of the most com­mon anom­alies is the pres­ence of a sixth lum­bar ver­te­bra. Hav­ing one extra lum­bar ver­te­bra pro­vides no advan­tage or dis­ad­van­tage to the indi­vid­ual and is rarely a cause of back prob­lem­s… [A]nomalies such as these in the lum­bar spine and sacral spine are sim­ply vari­ants of nor­mal bony archi­tec­ture and are typ­i­cal­ly of no con­se­quence. In oth­er words, it would be very rare for an abnor­mal­i­ty such as a sixth lum­bar ver­te­bra or extra bone in the sacrum to cause back problems.

I’ll file this under “I found it on the inter­net so there­fore it must be true.” My doc­tor indi­cat­ed that mine was­n’t of con­cern since every­thing was all aligned. I did­n’t ask what hap­pens if it isn’t as I was afraid what the answer might be.

It would also appear that the cor­rect term for this “L6” bone is Lum­bosacral tran­si­tion­al ver­te­bra.

Now this com­ment was par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing to me:

You may be inter­est­ed to find that while the homo sapi­en is char­ac­ter­ized by hav­ing five lum­bar ver­te­bra but homo erec­tus (the first of the human skele­tons found in Africa, includ­ing Lucy and aus­tralo­p­ithe­cus africanus skele­tons) typ­i­cal­ly had 6 lum­bar vertebra.

Some­thing I was at least able to par­tial­ly cor­rob­o­rate here. Now, before you decide to start pok­ing fun at me for being less evolved than you, keep in mind that mod­ern great apes have only three or four lum­bar ver­te­brae. It’s all relative.

Categorized as Life

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. Per­haps you could view #6 as a spare or per­haps as a 6th degree of free­dom. In any case be fore­warned I am like­ly to refer to you as mod­ern day aus­tralo­p­ithe­cus. Good stuff.

  2. Well, I can say that Dad does­n’t have this one. I may be the only one with this retro-muta­tion (if that’s what it real­ly is…). The links above also indi­cate that it’s par­tic­u­lar­ly rare in Euro­peans (more com­mon in Abo­rig­i­nal Aus­tralians, for example).

  3. Jason, “The One in the Mid­dle is the Green Kan­ga­roo.” How many ver­te­brae do kan­ga­roos have??

  4. foloow­ing a MRI scan I have been told I have a extra lum­bar at the base(6th lum­bar vertabrae). I had the scan to see why my peliv­is keep mov­ing and casu­ing me pain and infla­ma­tion. My Osteopath has to keep putting me back in palce! . It has some­thing to do with the extra vertabrae in some ways as the sacro joint isnt sup­port­ing my pelvis as good as it should( we think) any­one else got this problem.

  5. Hey, i recent­ly found out i have an extra lum­bar ver­te­brae, have been in all sorts of agony which sent me to the doc­tor. I’m a lit­tle con­fused though because every­thing I have found on the inter­net about this says hav­ing the extra ver­te­brae does­n’t cause any prob­lems or pain, I know its the inter­net and not reli­able but come on, you’d think one per­son would put some­thing up about it.

  6. ok, i’ve had 3 back surg­eries with con­se­quent­ly mul­ti­ple MRI’s… I just found out i have 6 lum­bar ver­te­brae on a sim­ple x‑ray… i find it odd that i’ve been sliced on, had lots of images, and no one has con­sid­ered it impor­tant enough to men­tion the extra lum­bar. in fact, it keeps get­ting referred to as L5-S1 on MRI’s in the past and oper­a­tive reports. What is the DEAL??? If they “doc­tor” this orig­i­nal­ly dic­tat­ed report I had a “friend” read to me before I see the sur­geon next week, I’m gonna be MORE sus­pi­cious than I am now. I read where some of my reports had been “changed.” I don’t care what peo­ple say, I’ve had horen­dous back prob­lems all my life. It war­rents more inves­ti­gat­ing, back prob­lems and an extra lum­bar ver­te­brae com­bined with hard work may in deed be a bad combination.

  7. I have a 6th Lum­bar ver­te­brae, which is a true ver­te­brae. I have seen my own xrays and had my doc­tor and neu­ro­sur­geon explain my own xrays to me. The 6th ver­te­brae is fused to my spine with no disc between it and my sacrum, but it is fused slight­ly crooked, which has caused extra pres­sure on my L4/L5 and oth­er ver­te­brae and discs. I have had back pain most of my adult life. about 6 years ago, my L4/L5 disc rup­tured severe­ly into my spinal canal, requir­ing emer­gency surgery (a par­tial laminec­to­my). I have recoverd excep­tion­al­ly well con­sid­er­ing the sever­i­ty of the rup­ture, with only occa­sion­al tin­gling or numb­ness in my left leg and foot if I do too much stren­u­ous activ­i­ty. I was told that this was most like­ly due to the fact that the nerves were not impinged for very long between the rup­ture and the surgery (only about 12 hours went by), so the dam­age was min­i­mal. The longer nerves are pinched with­out relief, the more severe and per­ma­nent the dam­age is like­ly to be. For this rea­son, I some­times dis­agree with a doc­tor’s deci­sion to put their patients on bed rest, trac­tion, pain meds, mus­cle relaxants…just to “see” if the prob­lem goes away on its own…without order­ing xrays or an MRI to deter­mine the sever­i­ty of the pinched nerves. It may “go away on its own” in many cas­es, but in the event it does not, by the time they deter­mine that, the nerves have most like­ly been dam­aged more severe­ly, and com­plete recov­ery may no longer be pos­si­ble. From per­son­al expe­ri­ence: Be sure to get more than one oppin­ion, and don’t mess around and wait too long to get treat­ment or surgery if nec­es­sary. Its your health and your body, so you can request that your doc­tor order the xrays and MRI soon­er than lat­er. Pre­ven­tion is always bet­ter than cure, so don’t wait until your disc ruptures!

  8. i have had a series of back problems,first i broke L1-L4 process­es off.…fixed it.…4 yrs lat­er start­ed hav­ing ter­ri­ble back pain, found a L6 and my L5 is seper­at­ed, said it was a birth defect.….is your L5 nor­mal? do you have any pain with sim­ple walk­ing, clean­ing, shopping…that sort of stuff? docs say surgery might help, but they would be fus­ing L6 with it L5 and L4.…everyone i know advis­es against surgery cuz they still have back pain and theirs was for a slip disc.…not the same thing in my eyes…not sure what to do but i am going crazy with all the back pain

  9. Wow. I guess it is appar­ent what can be the case if a sixth ver­te­brae is not in align­ment with the rest of one’s spine.

    Low­er back pain is remark­ably com­mon in humans; most like­ly result­ing from our rel­a­tive­ly recent deci­sion to go it on just our hind legs. It sounds like a lot of peo­ple in are in a great deal of pain which is pos­si­bly linked to the pres­ence (and mis-align­ment of) an extra vertebrae.

    I am quite for­tu­nate in that mine caus­es me no prob­lems and I would have nev­er known of such a thing except for the her­ni­at­ed L5‑S disc in my back, for which I got an MRI. As a mat­ter of fact, even the pain sig­nals from my sci­at­ic nerve have ceased in the past 10 months (this is main­ly a result of run­ning less, there­fore less of the disc press­ing into the nerve).

    I hon­est­ly don’t know what else to say to any save for pro­vid­ing my sym­pa­thy. I’ve had just enough back and nerve pain to know how hard it can be to live with. Find­ing the right Ortho­pe­dist to diag­nose (I high­ly rec­om­mend sports med­i­cine docs) and the pos­si­bly a good neu­ro­sur­geon to oper­ate (I believe they’re bet­ter equipped for spinal surgery than ortho­pe­dic sur­geons) is essen­tial­ly the only advice I can give.

  10. I have alot of back pain and have been see­ing a chi­ro­prac­tor for 25+ years. While most of the prob­lems are well con­trolled my low­er back pain has been get­ting pro­gres­sive­ly worse. It usu­al­ly occurs as a dull ache across both hips, worse when stand­ing or lying down for long peri­ods. My chi­ro told me years of bad pos­ture have caught up with me. Recent X‑Ray showed 6th Lum­ber vert­ibrae is not fused and is mobile. The issue for me has been this extra joint has allowed my hips to rotate fur­ther for­ward exag­ger­at­ing the curve in my low­er back and putting extra pres­sure on the low­er joints. Advice from the chi­ro was lose weight and exer­cise abs to help rotate my hips back to a more nor­mal posi­tion. I now do abs exer­cis­es most morn­ings (eg 30 situps and 30 leg rais­es, or 100 alter­nat­ing elbow to knee leg rais­es). This has dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduced my pain. I am now 47 and after 2 years of abs work I have been able to resume full on karate train­ing. I only get pain now if I get slack and skip the morn­ing exercises.

  11. I have spina bifi­da occul­ta of s1, plus an add’l true lum­bar ver­te­brae. Have been in excru­ci­at­ing pain for over 10 yrs. Dr’s have done lit­tle to noth­ing, except pre­scribe nar­cotics. Now on mor­phine patch, neu­ron­ton, and vici­don I have l4-l5 nerve root impinge­ment with foram­i­nal space nar­row­ing. sit­ting, stand­ing in 1 place, dri­ving, walk­ing long dis­tances, bend­ing, all cause severe pain. Can any­one advise? Only 35, with 2 very active chil­dren, that I can bare­ly take care of, they do more tak­ing care of me! I just want my life back.

  12. 6th lum­bar ver­te­bra noth­ing to wor­ry about I DON’T THINK SO
    I was diag­nosed with a 6th lum­bar ver­te­bra in 1975 after I went to the doc­tor with back pain and being bae­ly able to walk. He said it was an imfla­ma­tion of the 6th with the sacrum. We cured it this time with some rest and anti infla­ma­tents. He then gave me some excer­cis­es which I have been doing ever since. I had one oth­er bad flare up a cou­ple years after and I real­ized I was doing the same type of work that I had been doing in 75 I was paint­ing over­head on a lad­der and torquing my upper body. I have been care­ful ever since and have not had a reoc­cur­ance even though I had to have a lamenec­to­my some 8 years lat­er due to a explod­ed disk.
    I am now 77 and still do the orig­i­nal back exer­cis­es that I was giv­en in 1975 at least 3 times a week and wear an elas­tic back brace when­ev­er I have to do any lift­ing or work­ing stooped. over.

  13. In July I was in a roll over car acci­dent that has left me with con­stant neck, shoul­der and low back pain. I have had x‑rays twice and an MRI of my neck and back. Until todays appoint­ment with the Ortho where he re-did my x‑rays, no one had ever both­ered to men­tion the sixth lum­bar vert. I was con­fused by this because he said that it was uncom­mon and prob­a­bly a cause of my low back pain. After read­ing many arti­cles, every­thing says that it is not a rea­son for back pain, and 10% of adults is not uncom­mon with the bil­lions of adults walk­ing around. That fig­ures since I have nev­er had prob­lems with my back before get­ting t‑boned and rolled by an 81 year old in an Envoy( FYI: I was in a Sub­ur­ban)!! I think that any doc­tor will hold infor­ma­tion or stretch it to make you either feel bet­ter or spend more mon­ey with them. It does­n’t real­ly mat­ter how many verts you have when you have an injury like mine. What mat­ters is get­ting it fixed and get­ting back to normal. :)

  14. I also have just dis­cov­ered that I have a 6th lum­bar ver­te­bra. I agree, I ques­tion the fact that peo­ple claim that it caus­es no pain in the low­er back, but it seems when­ev­er i bend over for a cou­ple min­utes, when i come back to stand­ing up straight, i feel as though my spine has “locked” or isnt going back right. who knows, i may be con­fus­ing this with some oth­er symp­tom since i have many oth­er things wrong with my spine and neck. i have 6 months of align­ments with my chi­ro­prac­tor, so we’ll see what happens.

    My big ques­tion with this 6th lum­bar ver­te­bra is this:
    All ver­te­bra have nerves com­ing out of them which con­trol cer­tain parts of your body, right? Well, my chi­ro­prac­tor said that my 6th lum­bar ver­te­bra should have a pair of nerves as well, leav­ing me with a so called “extra set”. The ques­tion is, what do these nerves lead to/control?
    Pret­ty inter­est­ing, huh?

  15. And i thought i was a freak, although i did think it was neat, i too was diag­nosed by my 2nd chy­ro­prac­tor with the L6, y not the first one? IDK, or y not the mri’s i’ve had in the past. I am just reliev­id to know y i wake up with lowe r back pain every­day. Fun­ny thing is, it was my hips that brought me to the chy­ro. Mine is also fused to the sacrum, wich to explanes y i have a problen sit­ting for long peri­ods of time, it realy makes my butt hurt, the cox­ic bone! Espe­cialy hard sur­faces. I ques­tioned both my par­ents to c wich one of them was the cul­prit, nei­ther of them ever heard of it nor have it. Well i decid­ed to take my 16 year old daugh­ter to the chryo for migranes, after the rou­tine exam and e‑rays, she too has a 6th lum­bar, myth bust­ed, in our case it is hered­i­tary, and her’s has spin­ab­i­fi­da acul­ta, it looks like ribs, its not ful­ly formed, and her sacrum is unusu­al­ly large and shaped like a heart not a triangle.…she has butt and low back issues too.. wait it gets bet­ter, my sis­ter has a but­ter­fly vertabre, two fused togeth­er, and scoaliosis…so that again busts the “its not genet­ic myth”. by the way dont mind my spelling!! Its nice to know there are oth­ers, lol! Ask in ur fam­i­lies, c wut oth­er peo­ple have!!!

  16. Best thing to do for any back and neck prob­lems would b to c a chyropractor.…

  17. I have a 6th lum­bar ver­te­brae. I have known about it since I was 17. I have severe low­er back pain. I have been try­ing to find out the cause since 2001. Every dr I see tells me about the extra ver­te­brae but none have ever men­tioned the fus­ing prob­lem. i just had an MRI done yes­ter­day. I guess I am won­der­ing if I should have my dr pull the MRI out and look for fus­ing or if it would be eas­i­ly detect­ed on the MRI?

  18. My 16 year old son was just diag­nosed with hav­ing an extra lum­bar ver­te­brae. We were hav­ing an x‑ray due to a back strain in a foot­ball game. The ortho­pe­dist said he will have back prob­lems his whole life, and the x‑ray looked like a man in his 50’s with chron­ic back prob­lems. They sent him to phys­i­cal ther­a­py to learn some core strength­en­ing exer­cis­es, to relieve pain for the rest of his life.

  19. I was just told that I have a L6 as well. Nei­ther one of my par­ents have it…but that does­n’t mean it’s not hered­i­tary. It can be a reces­sive gene. We’re hop­ing to get my broth­er x‑rayed to see if he has it. Mine is not fused, but the chi­ro did said that I have more rota­tion in my hip area so it can cause prob­lems. My sacrum and pelvis ect is all well formed …every­thing looks like it should with just an extra L6. My sacrum is out of align­ment b/c of extra mobil­i­ty in that area. As a result, I tend to take it in and out of align­ment very eas­i­ly. My chrio told me that train­ing the prop­er mus­cles will keep it nice and healthy and I won’t have too much prob­lems, since she knows my per­son­al train­er, she said she’s gonna tell her what I need to work on. She also told me that most gym­nist and con­tor­tion­ist have the L6 as well.

  20. I have a L6 and found out when I was only13 years old and I have so much back pain and hope soon enough i can get surgury

  21. I was told a few days ago that I have the 6th lum­bar, I have had plen­ty of MRI’s since I have had low­er back pain most of my life, the gen­er­al pain runs down my left leg. As far I Know it’s not fused, but who knows I just found out I have one…Hmmmm, no one in my fam­i­ly has it that I know of, and the pain is worst at night, i go to the gym dai­ly and do yoga, which I find helps with the pain..Even tho it does explain some of the issues I have with my back, still think it’s kin­da cool..lol sorry..

  22. My son was diag­nosed today, after hav­ing severe pain in his back from wrestling, with a 6th lum­bar ver­te­brae and spina bifi­da and sco­l­io­sis. He’s 15. he has been able to do back hand­prings form the age of 2 1/2 and was doing aeri­als and back flips off of walls at 3. He was hurt when he was put up against a guy that weighed 20 pounds more than him and the cap­tain of the oppos­ing team (he was a senior) and our coach puts my fresh­man 15 yr old against him. he was taller and wrpped his legs around my sons then twist­ed his back while hav­ing him in a choke hold.….it was awful and yeas I have had my talk with this new coach. His back has killed him for two weeks and we took him to the chi­ro and it did­n’t help so I took him to the doc and found out the rest. He can’t wres­tle and has to wear a brace when work­ing out. I pray he won’t have pain the rest of his life. Does any­one know if the exposed nerved can be cov­ered over time as he con­tiues to grow?

  23. My Father has 6, as do my broth­ers, daugh­ters, son. When my wife was preg­nant test showed for Spina Bifid­da. I guess it per­haps showed a genet­ic abnor­mal­i­ty or some­thing? Any­way the dis­cov­ery of mine was after a back X‑ray. The Doc­tor read, looked and told me that I had 6 instead of the nor­mal 5. The Radi­ol­o­gist had it described as; Extra Lum­bar Ver­te­brae due to hypo-plas­tic T‑12 Rib. Sound complicated?

  24. I am sur­prised. I have had back pain for 5 years now. how­ev­er 5 years ago I had arthroscopy done on both my knees( arthri­tis). Since then now my back has been a source of chron­ic pain. Since the knew surgery I can not bend with my knees like I used to. mind you i nev­er real­ly bent for­ward like most peo­ple. I do have a job that requires heavy lift­ing bend­ing, twist­ing etc.
    Today I found out from my GP( after final­ly get­ting an X‑ray) I have 6 lum­bar vertabrae. The doc­tor thought I knew, I did­n’t. Any­way after read­ing some of the posts here. Add me to the list. I do think hav­ing 6 can/could be the culper­at to all the pain. My first thoughts when I heard I had this was..Just anoth­er part to fall apart :(. I got put on celebrex…again. I find my pain hurts more after tak­ing a short rest after work­ing. Sleep­ing at night :P. I can get 2 hours of slight­ly rest­ful sleep in at a time. When I awake in the morning..I don’t feel rest­ed.. I hurt like hell.. it’s very hard to get up in the morn­ing. I find it dif­fi­cult to stand, sit or lie for any length of time. i have been know to lean against things and doze off. I am lit­er­al­ly tired of it all !

  25. The 6th ver­te­bra, or hav­ing what could be called a tail­bone, is asso­ci­at­ed with RH- in their blood, but oth­ers have said it is more rare in Euro­peans. As Euro­peans have a high­er inci­dence of RH‑, I am not sure what makes more sense. To com­pli­cate mat­ters, Euro­peans are from Nean­derthal genes, while African’s are tied to the homo Erec­tus, so if the extra lum­ber was from the Homo Erec­tus, then it should not be in those with European/Neanderthal hybrid blood as much, mean­ing those with RH-. So I’m guess­ing it is a myth about it being more in RH- folks, and may in fact be more in those with African in them. Can any­one ver­i­fy this? 

    As for all those liv­ing with pain because of it, you may want to check this place out, or see if ones like it are near you. https://www.laserspineinstitute.com/back_problems/vertebrae/l6/

  26. I have had knee pain due to a car wreck 20 years ago and have limped that long as well. Now I hurt my back twice, went to a chi­ro­prac­tor for 2 Years and start­ed walk­ing straight and hav­ing less pain in my left foot and back. I hurt my back doing sim­ple tasks again. I decid­ed to have an X‑ray and they said I was born with abnor­mal hip devel­op­ment. So I had an ortho­pe­dic doc­tor look at X‑ray and he stat­ed I have an extra ver­te­brae and wants to do an MRI. Just been a roller coast­er ride! I am tired of the foot and shin pain and of course pain in my back and hips. Too young for all this pain. Please God help me.

  27. My fam­i­ly also has an extra top tooth, and an extra rib on either side…

  28. Thank you for you arti­cle. I have L6 inside of me. A few months back I had my DNA test­ed. Turns out I am in the high­est per­centile for nean­derthal DNA. I have always been nat­u­ral­ly strong and have found bro­ken bones to be more annoy­ing than some­thing to cry about. Also I was born with no low­er wis­dom teeth. The upper wis­dom teeth grew ‘down ’ nat­u­ral­ly when I was 35.… If that mat­ters for oth­er peo­ples com­par­i­son. At 44 I am strong as ever and still have not reached my peak.

  29. I was told of my L6 when i was 16 years old. I am now 38 and dis­abled from the L6 and the accom­pa­ny­ing degen­er­a­tive disc dis­or­der, sci­at­i­ca, and facet hyper­tro­phy. My back “went out” on me while i was at my last place of employ­ment and i could not walk unas­sist­ed for more than six months after­wards. I have been told i should have surgery and i do not think so. I have seen the results of back surgery first hand. I think some­one should do a study of peo­ple who have this “birth defect” to find out exact­ly how it effects us and how rare it actu­al­ly is.

  30. I would like to know; as this end­ed my career and I am still 25 yrs lat­er look­ing for answers. I had a Spinal Tap Pri­or to find­ing this infor­ma­tion out about #6 lum­bar. Can and would this,( if done at a high­er or Low­er lev­el because of 1 more lum­bar) with out the knowl­edge be the cause of mus­cle spasms, almost crip­pling; actu­al­ly putting me to the ground in pain?

  31. I have no 4th vertabrea lum­bar how rare is this? Nev­er knew it nev­er formed until I hurt my back Alli did was turn my waist to left and instant pain nev­er had a prob­lem with my back ever or since I then

  32. I googled the 6th ver­te­brae and found this site. I have a 6th and have had a fusion & a laminec­to­my. I have sco­l­io­sis and steno­sis. 5 bulging disc. Always in pain. In my opin­ion the 6th ver­te­brae makes my spine not as strong as it should be in that area. I don’t know if it’s nat­u­ral­ly fused or not. Going to have to see if any of my sib­lings know if they have the extra as well.

  33. I have an L6 as well except the wing of it man­aged to fuse itself to my sacrum. I get occa­sion­al pain in the dim­ple of my hip. Chi­ro says keep­ing my hips open and active will help. 

    I also just had a DNA test done recent­ly for a study and found out I have above aver­age Nean­derthal traits. More than 76% of peo­ple who’s DNA they test­ed have less than me. Won­der­ing if that’s a connection.

  34. Loren­da (cape town)
    Its very painfull and all my doc­tor told me was i must live on pain killers.…
    Rare or not you cant sit stand walk jump run or lay for long and to crown it all i must loose weight anoth­er mission

  35. This is so inter­est­ing to me. I had polio as a young child before the vac­cine was avail­able (missed it by 7 months) so I had many X‑rays of my back. Yet no one ever men­tioned that I had an L‑6 ver­te­brae until I was in my 60’s and had an X‑ray to see the pro­gres­sion of my sco­l­io­sis. I have sco­l­io­sis from the mus­cles on one side being weak­ened by polio. It’s just inter­est­ing that some have sco­l­io­sis asso­ci­at­ed with hav­ing an L‑6.

  36. Thanks for the info Jason. I’m 65 and just found out today. I’m going to check with my 8 sib­lings. I hope I’m unique.

  37. Just curi­ous if any­one else that has six lum­bar also has the rare blood type O‑RH Negative?

  38. As far as sev­er­al of the write-ups say­ing “no big deal” on the L‑6, my chi­ro­prac­tor told me it’s like stack­ing a lego tow­er one more brick high­er than every­one else… and there­fore we have a hard­er time keep­ing good pos­ture. That leads to mis-align­ment and all kinds of prob­lems with my shoul­ders, neck, low­er back, etc. The “lego tow­er” made a lot of sense to me.

  39. Oh, and A +. One broth­er that I know of has this also. And my son who is O+. Scot, Eng­lish, Ger­man, Irish.

  40. I just stum­bled onto these com­ments. I also have the extra “cause no pain or prob­lem” ver­te­bra. I don’t believe a word of what I have read tonight online. First hand expe­ri­ence tells me the pain I have and feel are not in my head! It’s legit­i­mate and has been there my entire life. I can nev­er remem­ber a day in my life with­out back pain. I hon­est­ly thought it was nor­mal that every­one had pain like this. Until I was in tears t work one evening and talked with a co work­er who laughed and informed me not every­one expe­ri­enced pain like this.
    So i apol­o­gize if I offend­ed any one, but I’m here to tell you the “extra ver­te­bra” has caused me pain all my life.

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