Five Fun Things Friday — Mid-June Edition

Okay, so this is turn­ing out to be more of a bi-week­­ly thing than any­thing else. I don’t recall ever promis­ing any­thing — as who would I promise it to? Five things that have been on my radar ‘o fun over the past cou­ple of weeks: This is a great music video by a for­mer­­ly-not-known-to-me Brit indie… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — Mid-June Edition

Five Fun Things Friday — June 1st Edition

Well, it’s been two weeks since I last did this, so I should have plen­ty of fun things, right? I’ve been soon busy with work and house stuff, I’m not sure… Watch­ing “Wait­ing for Godot.” After being pub­licly shamed, I fig­ured I’d bet­ter see what all the fuss is about. I tried to watch a taped… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — June 1st Edition

Parallel To All

I’ve been using Par­al­lels on my iMac ever since I got that machine back in Jan­u­ary. Like most every­one else I’ve read on the pro­gram, I’ve been very impressed with it’s abil­i­ty to run dif­fer­ent OS’s with­in the OS X envi­ron­ment. I’ve been run­ning Ubun­tu (Lin­ux) 6.06, Win­dows XP Pro SP2, and Win­dows Vista Ulti­mate… Con­tin­ue read­ing Par­al­lel To All

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