Happy Christmas, 2007

While it’s not exact­ly the rea­son for the sea­son, watch­ing Angela rock out to her new copy of Gui­tar Hero III — Leg­ends of Rock (Wii) in her PJ’s is a pret­ty good rea­son to love Christ­mas morn­ing. That kind of sums up the Christ­mas we’re hav­ing here in Rich­mond this year. We’ve been just relax­ing, hang­ing out around the house, and enjoy­ing Ains­ley’s first Christ­mas. That includes play­ing lots of Nintendo.

Beginning Rock Godess

As much as I thought I was pret­ty hard­core for hav­ing been able to rock Ains­ley to sleep by play­ing a cou­ple of hours of Metroid Prime 3: Cor­rup­tion, I was yet again shown up by Ange­la’s amaz­ing mul­ti-task­ing skills. She was able to play Super Mario Galaxy while feed­ing Ains­ley. There has to be sev­er­al rea­sons why I could­n’t do that myself…

So, any­way, have a very hap­py Christ­mas this year and enjoy what­ev­er hol­i­days you and your fam­i­ly celebrate!

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. Hap­py Hol­i­days to you! Good to hear how yours went in RVA. :)

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