Creating Music (Notation) Together

My wife, Angela, stud­ied music for the first cou­ple of years at col­lege. She plays the flute and still per­forms a few times a year (most­ly at our church). How­ev­er, in all the years we’ve been togeth­er, we’ve nev­er actu­al­ly played any music togeth­er. In fact, we haven’t real­ly cre­at­ed many projects togeth­er (aside from… Con­tin­ue read­ing Cre­at­ing Music (Nota­tion) Together

Happy Christmas, 2007

While it’s not exact­ly the rea­son for the sea­son, watch­ing Angela rock out to her new copy of Gui­tar Hero III — Leg­ends of Rock (Wii) in her PJ’s is a pret­ty good rea­son to love Christ­mas morn­ing. That kind of sums up the Christ­mas we’re hav­ing here in Rich­mond this year. We’ve been just… Con­tin­ue read­ing Hap­py Christ­mas, 2007


First of all, let me announce what is prob­a­bly the worst kept secret since we announced we were preg­nant: Angela and I have made the deci­sion to move to Franklin, TN (that’s near Nashville for you non-Ten­­nesseans). We had been dis­cussing the idea of doing so since July. When I say dis­cussing, I mean Angela… Con­tin­ue read­ing Ch-ch-changes!

How I Know I’ll Be Married A Long Time — Part III

This past week­end, it had final­ly got­ten warm enough I could no longer put off my duties as house grounds keep­er. I spent part of Sat­ur­day trim­ming, edg­ing, weed­ing and mow­ing. After Angela got home around 6:00 pm, I wrapped up and took a show­er. After­wards, I decid­ed it was time to shave the beard… Con­tin­ue read­ing How I Know I’ll Be Mar­ried A Long Time — Part III

Categorized as Marriage

We’re Having A Baby

Well, it’s prob­a­bly the worst kept secret of our lives, but just so the whole world knows: …and we’re both real­ly excit­ed. We had our first doc­tor’s vis­it this after­noon and every­thing looks great! So, around late August the whole world will get to know baby Cole­­man-Dyer (or Dyer-Cole­­man, we’re still work­ing that out). We’ve been dying… Con­tin­ue read­ing We’re Hav­ing A Baby

So, We’re Pregnant

About 7:00am on Sat­ur­day morn­ing (Nov. 16th), Angela ran into the bed­room, threw off the cov­ers, and yanked me by the arm. “Come here. You need to see this.” Of all the thoughts run­ning through my head (not that many, since I was still most­ly asleep), none of them had any­thing to do with fam­i­ly. I nat­u­ral­ly… Con­tin­ue read­ing So, We’re Pregnant

Surprise Birthday Party

Upon return­ing to Rich­mond after the VA Beach Half-marathon, we were pret­ty much in the mood to take it easy. We spent most of the time here around the house, all being pret­ty tired. Mon­day morn­ing was labor day, and Jason J. treat­ed the house to a big stack of waf­fles. Now, I hear that… Con­tin­ue read­ing Sur­prise Birth­day Party