RT @APStylebook:

Our gen­er­al advice: The few­er hyphens the better.
Use them only when not using them caus­es con­fu­sion. Think of hyphens as an aid to read­er­s’ com­pre­hen­sion. If a hyphen makes the mean­ing clear­er, use it. If it just adds clut­ter and dis­trac­tion to the sen­tence, don’t. #APStyleChat

Family Game Night

We try to have a week­ly fam­i­ly game night. Usu­al­ly, this is a board game or sim­i­lar. The kids know that I have a bunch of old D&D books and are gen­er­al­ly famil­iar with the game. A cou­ple of weeks ago, a new D&D Essen­tials box set was released. This incor­po­rates a new mech­a­nism so… Con­tin­ue read­ing Fam­i­ly Game Night