Recycled Tool Stand

Ten years ago — not long after we moved into this house — my younger broth­er and I built a pair of work­bench­es. I designed a “tall” work bench for stand­ing and a “short” work bench that I could sit at (aka, a desk). The idea was that I’d do elec­tron­ics or oth­er work at… Con­tin­ue read­ing Recy­cled Tool Stand

@pablohidalgo I actu­al­ly didn’t learn that the Emperor’s name was Pal­pa­tine (or Darth Sid­i­ous or any­thing oth­er than “Emperor”) until read­ing the Zahn books fresh­man year of col­lege. But yeah, there’s always been a big­ger world than just the films.