Music Industry

I thought I might post some of my thoughts on the music indus­try, where it’s at and where it might be going. How­ev­er, if you aren’t famil­iar with The Long Tail, you have to read the arti­cle which appeared in the Octo­ber issue of Wired Mag­a­zine. Go read it here now.

Categorized as Music

The Sign of Things To Come

You can eas­i­ly see that things are very dif­fer­ent around here. It’s a new year, and I’ve got what appears to be a new site at first glance. I’ve switched from Blog­ger to Word­Press & also switched web servers. This is all thanks to my good friend Jason John­son, who is gra­cious­ly help­ing me get… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Sign of Things To Come

Categorized as Meta

Merry Christmas!

I just want­ed to post a short mes­sage here wish­ing all my read­ers (okay, my Mom & Dad!) a Mer­ry Christ­mas. Also, Hap­py Hanukkah, Kwan­zaa, Fes­tivus and all oth­er big­gie-Decem­ber hol­i­days (hence, the non-spe­­cif­ic ‘Hap­py Hol­i­days’ that has some folks ban­ning stores). Best wish­es and Hap­py New Year. I’m cur­rent­ly with my wife vis­it­ing with all… Con­tin­ue read­ing Mer­ry Christmas!

Categorized as General


How come I don’t see com­mer­cials this cool on tele­vi­sion? Seri­ous­ly, I would­n’t fast-for­ward right through them with TiVo if 1 out of 10 were this fun to watch. Okay, so this isn’t a real com­mer­cial for any­thing, but still; you could place robots like this in Ben­gay com­mer­cials and I’d watch the reli­gious­ly. The… Con­tin­ue read­ing Robo­cop

Categorized as Geek

This Site’s Not All That’s Under Construction

Well, I’ve just come back in from the cold. Lit­er­al­ly. I’ve been out most all night and into the morn­ing at a con­struc­tion site in the Hamp­ton Roads area of Vir­ginia on a con­struc­tion mon­i­tor­ing job. Yes, I watch peo­ple work on con­struc­tion. It’s not a bad gig, if you’ve got long ther­mal under­wear and… Con­tin­ue read­ing This Site’s Not All That’s Under Construction

Categorized as General

MeetUp… For What?

Well, I just returned home from the Decem­ber meet­ing of the Rich­mond Demo­c­ra­t­ic Meet­Up. This is the sec­ond one of these Mee­tups I’ve been to, and I can’t decide which one dis­s­a­point­ed me more. The first one was noth­ing but myself and four oth­ers sit­ting at a local cof­fee shop com­plain­ing about indi­vid­u­als in pow­er… Con­tin­ue read­ing Meet­Up… For What?

Categorized as Politics

Passive Aggressive Hilarious

I saw a link for this and thought I’d find out more. I imag­ine that if every­body in Amer­i­ca bought a FOXBlock­er, the aver­age IQ would go up about 10 points. This is sim­ply an inline cable fil­ter. While the device itself does­n’t real­ly do any more than my nev­er watch­ing that chan­nel; the com­pa­ny… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pas­sive Aggres­sive Hilarious

Categorized as Politics

I Now Seem To Suffer From Insomnia

Bridge of GlassOrig­i­nal­ly uploaded by super_structure. Per Wired’s rec­om­men­da­tion (updat­ed link here), I signed up for an account at Flickr; and I’m already glad I did. With­in a mat­ter of min­utes I had some pho­tos uploaded, tagged, titled, and grouped. Short­ly there­after, peo­ple were already adding com­ments.  Cur­rent­ly, I just have some pho­tos of sev­er­al… Con­tin­ue read­ing I Now Seem To Suf­fer From Insomnia

Categorized as Meta

I Suffer From Outrage Fatigue

I noticed a com­ment on a head­line at George Hotelling’s 90% Crud blog this morn­ing that rung true with me. He not­ed that he was suf­fer­ing from Out­rage fatigue over some news arti­cle about rigged e‑vote machines in FL. I don’t know any­thing about the sto­ry, I don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly trust the source (BlueLe­mur, that is),… Con­tin­ue read­ing I Suf­fer From Out­rage Fatigue

Categorized as Politics