Eventually, I’d like to scan in all our old 35mm photos. So now I’m in the market for a new flatbed.
Category: Geek
Technology, Science, etc.
How To Destroy An Airplane
If cell phones could really bring down a Boeing 737, then why are the terrorists still playing around with knives?
With this weeks release of iTunes 4.9, which supports podcasting, I thought it might be a good idea to make mention of some of my favorites. Okay, actually Jason J. thought it would be a good idea and I happened to agree. First of all, I should comment on what an unfortunate name Podcasting is, unless… Continue reading Podcasting
Robo Ballerina
Dancing robots? Where’s my flying car?
BitTorrent Rules
Download like a pro: use torrent.
Science And Religion
Excellent Science Friday show on science and religion, via podcast.
“Star Wars Episode III — Revenge of the Sith”
For the man who’s greatest sin was Jar-Jar Binks, all has been forgiven.
Retro Robots
A little something for Trey.
Geotagging Flickr with Google Maps
Just look up where you took the photo on Google Maps, and then add the location to your Flickr tags with a click or two.
Glyphsaw Puzzle
Next time my wife gets me to do a jigsaw puzzle, I’m going to kick ass.