What It Says and What It Does

Ars Tech­ni­ca reports that the FCC asked the pub­lic how and if the term “broad­band” (as in inter­net con­nec­tion) should be defined, after it had pro­posed that “basic broad­band” as sim­ply 768kbps to 1.5Mbps (as in con­nec­tion speed). They also seemed to think that this should be based on the actu­al speed that providers have,… Con­tin­ue read­ing What It Says and What It Does

Dictionary: Colemanate

cole•man•ate [kohl•man•eyt] verb To build by means of ongo­ing dis­cus­sion, vac­il­lat­ing, dis­course, or exam­ples until all par­ties cease to be inter­est­ed: At least it did­n’t cole­m­anate in some hor­ri­ble end­ing (K. O’Mara)

Maybe McG Gets It After All

Speak­ing of sum­mer movie thrills, I’m cau­tious­ly opti­mistic about Ter­mi­na­tor: Sal­va­tion, which opens next week. Direc­tor “McG” — of Char­lies Angel’s mon­ey grab remake fame ” makes a good case for going with a PG-13 rat­ing: “It just became clear that the things that would take it to an R or an NC-17 would be:… Con­tin­ue read­ing Maybe McG Gets It After All

What’s Wrong with Wall Street

Frank Rich’s excel­lent insight into the cul­ture of Wall Street that was at the core of the cur­rent reces­sion: This was not an exact replay of the pre­ced­ing dot-com bub­ble. As a vet­er­an of the tech gold rush recent­ly observed to me, in Sil­i­con Val­ley “the mon­ey comes lat­er” and “the thing you make comes… Con­tin­ue read­ing What’s Wrong with Wall Street

Categorized as Remainder

Who Watches the Watchmen?

Best description/review of the Watch­men film I’ve read yet that sums up my exact feel­ings: Ful­ly deserv­ing of its R rat­ing, this is a sad, vio­lent film about sad, vio­lent peo­ple where the only one actu­al­ly sav­ing the world is the vil­lain. While most super­hero movies are about action and dra­ma, this one’s a straight-up… Con­tin­ue read­ing Who Watch­es the Watchmen?

Open Source Documentation

This is very hum­bling to me. Last week, at the Doc­Train West con­fer­ence, 25 writ­ers pro­duced a man­u­al for Fire­Fox in just two days as part of the FLOSS Man­u­als project. The man­u­al is freely avail­able online and is dis­trib­uted in a Cre­ative Com­mons CC-BY-SA license. You can pur­chase a print-on-demand copy of the man­u­al… Con­tin­ue read­ing Open Source Documentation

CableCard on a Mac

A short sto­ry on Mac­world regard­ing the lack of Cable­Card sup­port on Apple com­put­ers or periph­er­als. This is a sto­ry where the com­ments seem to add as much as the sto­ry does. I agree total­ly with the TiVo users com­ment­ing about their love of the Cable­Card. As a mat­ter of fact, TiVo HD users seem… Con­tin­ue read­ing Cable­Card on a Mac

Nature Endorses Obama

Nature — One of the two lead­ing inter­na­tion­al sci­ence jour­nals — has an edi­to­r­i­al endors­ing Sen. Barack Oba­ma. Appar­ent­ly, this is the first time in the pres­ti­gious jour­nal’s 139 year his­to­ry that it has ever endorsed a can­di­date — for US pres­i­dent or oth­er­wise. a com­mit­ment to seek­ing good advice and tak­ing seri­ous­ly the find­ings… Con­tin­ue read­ing Nature Endors­es Obama