NBC: We’ve Pretty Much Given Up

The Pea­cock Net­work was once a bas­tion for dra­ma and com­e­dy. Those days are long gone, with only a few bright spots in an oth­er­wise abysmal line-up (Scrubs, My Name is Earl, and The Office being most of those high­lights). Recent­ly, they announced that Uni­ver­sal (NBC and USA Net­works par­ent com­pa­ny) were mov­ing Monk and Psych from USA to NBC, as if that was going be a good thing for those shows. Why find new shows or tal­ent when you can just bring some up from the minor leagues? Just the oth­er evening, we saw some com­mer­cials for four new shows this sum­mer on NBC: all were reality/contest shows (includ­ing Amer­i­can Glad­i­a­tor, which pret­ty much sucked the first go around). Now, comes an announce­ment that they are going to start craft­ing shows around spon­sor’s prod­ucts. Of course, that’s assum­ing any adver­tis­ers are even con­sid­er­ing spend­ing mon­ey at NBC.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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