Right In the Thick of the Carbon

Sci­Am on a (depress­ing) report rank­ing the top 100 U.S. met­ro­pol­i­tan areas in terms of amount of car­bon emis­sions. The part that real­ly star­tled me (empha­sis added): The res­i­dents of Lex­ing­ton, Ky., Indi­anapo­lis and Cincin­nati emit the most green­house gases—nearly 2.5 times as much car­bon on a per capi­ta basis as their peers at the top… Con­tin­ue read­ing Right In the Thick of the Carbon

The Pheonix Has Landed

NASA had put the odds at around 50% of hav­ing a suc­cess­ful land­ing near the North Pole of Mars. Their track record of Mars mis­sions thus far was­n’t even that high (55% of mis­sions had been lost). How­ev­er, with amaz­ing suc­cess­es like the two rovers who have sim­ply kept going, that coin-toss of chance seemed… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Pheonix Has Landed

Categorized as General

Web Two Point Wha?

I think Wired’s epi­cen­ter blog needs to clar­i­fy one of today’s posts a bit: Big Pay­day for Web 2.0The biggest web deal announced today was CBS’ plan to buy CNET, one of the last inde­pen­dent online con­tent com­pa­nies, for $1.8 bil­lion, or $11.50 per share. The val­u­a­tion rep­re­sents a healthy 45 per­cent pre­mi­um over yes­ter­day’s clos­ing… Con­tin­ue read­ing Web Two Point Wha?

Convert Text to iTunes Audiobook

Since I’ve been all about lis­ten­ing to audio­books late­ly (actu­al­ly, for the past year — just more recent­ly of the fan­ta­sy genre), this link was pret­ty time­ly. Using some of the inte­grat­ed Apple ser­vices and some script­ing, macOSX­hints user miketyson put togeth­er a Ser­vice in OS X to sim­ply con­vert high­light­ed text to an Audio­book… Con­tin­ue read­ing Con­vert Text to iTunes Audiobook

Miniature Minotaur

This mino­taur was always one of my favorite min­is when I was a kid. It was paint­ed by my friend, Tim M. — who was the best minia­ture painter of any­one I knew then. Every­one always want­ed to trade min­is with Tim; so he seemed to always have a fresh sup­ply of new ones. I know… Con­tin­ue read­ing Minia­ture Minotaur