Buy Used Netflix Movies

Net­flix now allows users to buy used discs from their library. They include a case and the orig­i­nal cov­er. Prices (of the ones I’ve seen so far) range from $5.99 to $9.99, which isn’t bad at all to add a movie you real­ly like to your col­lec­tion. Of course, the cur­rent selec­tion (for pur­chase) is… Con­tin­ue read­ing Buy Used Net­flix Movies

Happy Birthday Perplexion

A hap­py one year anniversary/birthday to Sta­cie’s Per­plex­ion (For­mer­ly, the Deep Thoughts of) today. While she may not post very often, I always look for­ward to read­ing every word. Some­thing about the way she writes about life can make me smile about even some of the small­est of things.

McSweeney’s List of Dangerous Children’s Books Per Sean Hannity

The Five Most Dan­ger­ous Chil­dren’s Books Ever Writ­ten, Accord­ing to Sean Han­ni­ty. On The Adven­tures of Huck­le­ber­ry Finn by Mark Twain: It should also be not­ed that Twain, who invent­ed can­cer and hates pup­pies, is not even using his real name. Samuel Clemens, wher­ev­er you’re hid­ing, if you have any integri­ty, you will appear on… Con­tin­ue read­ing McSweeney’s List of Dan­ger­ous Children’s Books Per Sean Hannity

The Wonders Of Modern Medicine

Well, you usu­al­ly don’t hear any­thing about phar­ma­cists in the news. We have heard a lot over the last week or so, and it has­n’t been all that favorable.

Amazon wiki

Fol­low­ing up on a pre­vi­ous post: I just hap­pened to notice that has had wiki posts dat­ing back to as ear­ly as late Novem­ber of last year. I think it’s a great fea­ture which uti­lizes Ama­zon’s prod­uct evan­ge­lists (who are legion). How­ev­er, it cur­rent­ly appears to be only open for games, books, and movies.… Con­tin­ue read­ing Ama­zon wiki

Why HDTV Isn’t Going Mainstream Anytime Soon

When you tell so many peo­ple that their elec­tron­ics won’t do what they should do—what they paid for them to do—many of them are not going to like it. Ars Tech­ni­ca has a great arti­cle on why HDCP, as well as oth­er con­tent pro­tec­tion sys­tems, are actu­al­ly going to dri­ve cus­tomers more towards pira­cy and,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Why HDTV Isn’t Going Main­stream Any­time Soon

Google Library

Sci-Fi author and blog­ger Cory Doc­torow has writ­ten an excel­lent arti­cle at Boing­Bo­ing on why Google Book Search is one of the great­est things to ever hap­pen to the inter­net. Typ­i­cal of his writ­ing, it’s well worth the read and he demon­strates, at least in this case, how Google’s build­ing of the new Library of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Google Library

The IT Crowd

I watched the first three episodes of Chan­nel 4’s The IT Crowd last night. IT’s a show done by the writer behind Father Ted, also a very fun­ny show. IT does­n’t dis­ap­point, either. IT is online at Chan­nel 4’s site, but only avail­able to UK res­i­dents. I’d love to see this for­mal­ly brought over to… Con­tin­ue read­ing The IT Crowd

Chuck Norris Facts

Okay, so I had read about Chuck Nor­ris facts on Boing­Bo­ing, but just did­n’t find the humor in it. That, of course, was because I had­n’t read any Chuck Nor­ris Facts. Are you all begin­ning to see that I’m about about two steps behind the cool kids on the inter­net? My favorite one (so far):… Con­tin­ue read­ing Chuck Nor­ris Facts

The New(s) Source

Yes­ter­day, I wrote about how, after three months, Digg left a bad taste in mouth for Web2.0 news sites. Then I remem­bered an e‑mail that a friend had sent a month or so ear­li­er: My pal Trey recent­ly sent me an invite to It’s still in pri­vate Beta, but invites aren’t too hard to… Con­tin­ue read­ing The New(s) Source

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