Surprise Birthday Party

Upon return­ing to Rich­mond after the VA Beach Half-marathon, we were pret­ty much in the mood to take it easy. We spent most of the time here around the house, all being pret­ty tired. Mon­day morn­ing was labor day, and Jason J. treat­ed the house to a big stack of waf­fles. Now, I hear that… Con­tin­ue read­ing Sur­prise Birth­day Party

UVA Stadium Pergola

UVA Sta­di­um Per­go­la 1 by Jason Cole­man — I was at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vir­ginia yes­ter­day for a work meet­ing, and thought I’d walk around for a few min­utes after­wards to take a few pho­tos. I’ve had far worse days at work than spend­ing the last day of sum­mer walk­ing around a col­lege cam­pus on… Con­tin­ue read­ing UVA Sta­di­um Pergola