Our Alaska Trip

I fin­ished a nar­ra­tive of our trip to Alas­ka with more details than any­one would ever care about. How­ev­er, if you feel that the rest of the inter­ent is a lit­tle too excit­ing, then you might want to give it a read here. You can also read about many of our oth­er trips on my… Con­tin­ue read­ing Our Alas­ka Trip

My Google Shift

I’ve been slow­ly adopt­ing using Google’s office-like tools more and more. I know, G‑Mail is so last year, and it’s a bit sil­ly to just now be talk­ing about me get­ting into it. I have no real inten­tion of just giv­ing up my POP e‑mail account or stop­ping my use of Out­look to man­age e‑mails… Con­tin­ue read­ing My Google Shift

Categorized as Geek

Mt. McKinley South Summit

Mt McKin­ley Sum­mit by Jason Cole­man — The view of the sum­mit from about 9,000 feet in a small air­plane. The wind was about 65mph at the peak to blow the snow off like that accord­ing to our pilot.

Aksimet Is Awesome

I know I’ve had a few short posts before about com­ment spam here before, and occa­sion­al­ly I still get some to come through. How­ev­er, Akismet has done a remark­ably good job of catch­ing almost all of them, and with only a sin­gle false pos­i­tive I’ve ever found (and that was because the com­menter had placed… Con­tin­ue read­ing Aksimet Is Awesome

A Chilly Twenty

Today was the final twen­ty mile run of this sea­son for me. I was sched­uled to run it yes­ter­day, but we had rain all day and the tem­per­a­ture stayed around 50°F. The run got can­celled to pre­vent any­one from get­ting hypother­mia (four hours in that weath­er wear­ing noth­ing but a t‑shirt and shorts can eas­i­ly… Con­tin­ue read­ing A Chilly Twenty

Categorized as Running

Battlestar Great-showica

The main cast of Bat­tlestar Galac­ti­ca on the set of the Galac­ti­ca’s hang­er. I just fin­ished watch­ing the Sea­son Three pre­miere of Sci­Fi Chan­nel’s Bat­tlestar Galac­ti­ca. I just want to go on the offi­cial record to say that BG is the great­est show ever on tele­vi­sion. That’s right, bet­ter than The West Wing. Bet­ter than… Con­tin­ue read­ing Bat­tlestar Great-showica

Five Random Songs

This is blog meme from a long time ago and I’m just now get­ting around to post­ing it, even though it was old even before I did it, as at least one of the songs indi­cates. In keep­ing with the idea of the meme as I first read it, I one day just put my… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Ran­dom Songs

Categorized as Music

The Coal Men Play Richmond

Ear­ly last month, my broth­er, Dave, and his band mate Dave Ray trav­eled up to Rich­mond to play a Coal Men show at the Ash­land Cof­fee and Tea House. I was­n’t sure what to expect when Dave C. told me that the bass play­er, Hitch, would­n’t be able to make it. Most trios have to… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Coal Men Play Richmond

Categorized as Life, Music