The Son Also Rises

Our sec­ond child — a boy named Wyatt Paul — was born yes­ter­day morn­ing. Cur­rent­ly, every­one is doing very well and we’re still in the hos­pi­tal as my wife recov­ers from surgery. My in-laws are stay­ing at our house and watch­ing our daugh­ter.  All things con­sid­ered, it seems that this deliv­ery went even smoother than… Con­tin­ue read­ing The Son Also Rises

Categorized as Baby

The View Gets Better

Two Thou­sand and Eight is final­ly wind­ing down to a close. Sit­ting at my desk, star­ing out the office win­dow over­look­ing the park. It’s hard for me to real­ly recall all that has gone on in the past year or so that got me here. I remem­ber being upset, frus­trat­ed — angry, even. A lot. How­ev­er,… Con­tin­ue read­ing The View Gets Better

Bumbo Safety Mod

So Angela sends me a quick e‑mail note regard­ing a recall of our favorite lit­tle kids foam seat, the Bum­bo1. The recall is regard­ing the fact that sev­er­al chil­dren have been injured (some quite seri­ous­ly, I under­stand) top­pling out of the seat. Well, lit­tle tod­dlers being squirmy and all, they tend to do that. Espe­cial­ly… Con­tin­ue read­ing Bum­bo Safe­ty Mod

Categorized as Baby

Baby Got Domain

Here’s a Yahoo! News arti­cle (via Life­hack­er) about the increase in infants with their own domain names, many of whom won’t be used for any­thing oth­er than a parked page for years. Per one par­ent “One of the cri­te­ria was, if we liked the name, the domain had to be avail­able.” I can’t say that… Con­tin­ue read­ing Baby Got Domain

July Has Thirty One Days

It’s been a long month that went by real­ly quick­ly. How­ev­er, I sus­pect in a cou­ple of weeks I’ll be long­ing for the good ‘ole days of July ’07. I know that I’ve com­plete­ly dropped the ball on writ­ing on this site this past month. I real­ly regret that as it’s only because way too… Con­tin­ue read­ing July Has Thir­ty One Days

Categorized as Baby, Life

Five Fun Things Friday — Mid-June Edition

Okay, so this is turn­ing out to be more of a bi-week­­ly thing than any­thing else. I don’t recall ever promis­ing any­thing — as who would I promise it to? Five things that have been on my radar ‘o fun over the past cou­ple of weeks: This is a great music video by a for­mer­­ly-not-known-to-me Brit indie… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — Mid-June Edition

Five Fun Things: Week of May 10th

Here’s a list of Five Fun Things I’ve been enjoy­ing late­ly, in no sig­nif­i­cant order (oth­er than No. 1): Feel­ing our baby girl kick for the first time last Sun­day morn­ing. That was awe­some. Super Paper Mario on the Wii – Not a very hard game, but loads of fun to play and very fun­ny, too. Lost… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things: Week of May 10th