What Facial Expressions to Use When You’re Expecting

So Angela and I have been read­ing some dif­fer­ent books on preg­nan­cy. Okay, she’s been doing most of the read­ing so far as she has about five dif­fer­ent books. I bought one, titled Preg­nan­cy Sucks for Men: What to Do When Your Mir­a­cle Makes You BOTH Mis­er­able, which is a fair­ly enter­tain­ing read as well as infor­ma­tive, although I could do with­out some of the patron­iz­ing man-humor. I inter­est­ed in my kid more than the foot­ball game and I don’t need some oth­er guy to tell me in a burly voice that’s the cool thing to do.

Any­way, Ange­la’s night­stand has become a pile of preg­nan­cy relat­ed infor­ma­tion. From her pre­na­tal vit­a­mins to her Fit Preg­nan­cy mag­a­zines, to her stack of preg­nan­cy books, she’s been read­ing a lot late­ly. Of course, when you’re going to have a baby, the de fac­to hand­book is What to Expect When You’re Expect­ing. Every­one reads this book when they’re about to have a baby (It even showed up in an episode of last year’s ill-fat­ed sci-fi show Inva­sion, with the moth­er-to-be Larkin read­ing the book). I think they must pay OB-Gyns to hand it out. How­ev­er, it was­n’t until Angela and I spent some time in the preg­nan­cy sec­tion of our Barnes & Noble that I notice some­thing about the cov­er of this book, as well as the cov­er of the asso­ci­at­ed book (also on Ange­la’s night­stand) What to Expect: Eat­ing Well When You’re Expect­ing:

What to Expect When You're Expecting, Third EditionWhat to Expect: Eating Well When You\'re Expecting (What to Expect)

See the pat­tern? This woman does not seem very hap­py about her child-to-be. What I don’t under­stand is, if you’re draw­ing a mod­el for the cov­er of your book, can’t you draw them any­way you want? Why not draw them hap­py? Would­n’t sell­ing preg­nan­cy has a cause for joy help you sell more books about that subject?

In look­ing some of these up, I came across the Span­ish ver­sion of this book:

Qué Se Puede Esperar Cuando Se Está Esperando: (What to Expect When You\'re Expecting, 3rd Edition)

I don’t get it. If you speak Span­ish, you’ll be hap­py about being preg­nant? Non­sense. We’re hap­py. A lot more than the depressed woman on the cov­er of Ange­la’s books, who looks as though she may give up at any moment.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

1 comment

  1. the span­ish woman also seems younger than the oth­er woman. maybe it’s because she’s smiling.

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