Stop Motion Action Film on YouTube

Most of YouTube is crap (then again, 90% of every­thing is crap). How­ev­er, it is gems like this live-action, stop-motion film “Tony vs. Paul” that make it the future of video and enter­tain­ment. I think some Hol­ly­wood effects stu­dios could learn some tricks from these guys. Some of it’s sil­ly, but it’s an enter­tain­ing five min­utes and it shows us all what can be done when cre­ativ­i­ty out­weighs budget:

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. man!!! that’s real­ly clever!!!
    how many frames do you think they did for the mov­ing stuff?!?
    and the “lev­i­ta­tion” scenes. you think they were just jump­ing up in the air? I love the gum­by skate and slide action stuff. they’re like foos­ball men!

  2. I real­ly could­n’t guess about the tech­ni­cal aspects of the film, but I’d say that giv­ing the smooth­ness, they were doing it at a pret­ty high frame rate. They also must have been either very lucky or had some pret­ty good ideas for qual­i­ty con­trol since this isn’t as jumpy as a lot of stop-motion ani­ma­tion is.

    I did see a link to an old­er film titled “Neigh­bors”, from 1952, that I sus­pect inspired this one. I guess this film isn’t as ground-break­ing as I had first thought, but it’s impor­tant to note that the 1952 film was made with a film grant and not just a cou­ple of guys with a video cam­era (as those tools weren’t as com­mon then, to be sure).

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