
First of all, let me announce what is prob­a­bly the worst kept secret since we announced we were preg­nant: Angela and I have made the deci­sion to move to Franklin, TN (that’s near Nashville for you non-Ten­nesseans). We had been dis­cussing the idea of doing so since July. When I say dis­cussing, I mean Angela kept try­ing to con­vince me we should move and I kept try­ing to con­vince her we should stay in Richmond.

I caved.

Then, just a cou­ple of days before she moved back to work, her com­pa­ny post­ed open­ings for her posi­tion in Franklin. She saw this when she returned from mater­ni­ty leave and they said a trans­fer was pos­si­ble. Instead of wait­ing until next year, as I had final­ly agreed to do, we would be mov­ing at the end of this year. I felt like there was no way we would be able to move soon­er and that this was the least I could do for my employ­er (I work for a fair­ly small branch office of a rel­a­tive­ly small com­pa­ny, so it just seemed the right thing to give them as much notice as possible).

We’ve put our beloved Colo­nial up for sale here and found some nice tem­po­rary hous­ing in Franklin, very close to Ange­la’s work. Angela of course has her job lined up to change over, although the appli­ca­tion process for her to get a license in a dif­fer­ent state is very long and com­pli­cat­ed. It’s all in place now, though.

I, on the oth­er hand, was­n’t so sure about what I’d be doing for work. I’ll expand on that more next week, though. I haven’t post­ed in quite a while and I would­n’t want to sprain a thumb or some­thing writ­ing too much. For now, though, I’ll just say that it has been an excit­ing turn and it’s got me look­ing for­ward to all this change after all…

Ains­ley? Oh, she seems to be grow­ing by the hour. Of course, that was the one bit of change we were expect­ing.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.


  1. You’ll be just up the road from me in a man­ner of speak­ing. Franklin and the greater Nashville area is beau­ti­ful and I’m sure you and your fam­i­ly will love it.

  2. Thanks for inform­ing me final­ly about this! :-p I heard from the fam­i­ly over Thanks­giv­ing and kept com­ing here look­ing for updates. Angela called and told me too, so I’m excit­ed for you three. 

    Now. Where are the pic­tures on Flickr from Thanks­giv­ing? haha. Take care Jason.

  3. Glad to hear you’re mov­ing back. Chris and I are mov­ing to East Nashville so we’ll be fair­ly close. We also have some good friends that live in Franklin and they love it. Let me know if I can help with anything. 


    Phone num­ber removed for secu­ri­ty — Jason

  4. good luck! i think mov­ing is fun…although i have expe­ri­enced a lit­tle cul­ture shock since becom­ing a vermonter…change is adventurous!

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