Ah, you didn’t think I had been doing nothing all this time, right? Of course not. Here’s a few things that have been occupying my free time:
- Chasing the Baby — She finally figured out crawling a couple of weeks ago. People had told me that one day she’d just get it and then she’d be crawling everywhere and getting into everything. Somehow I had assumed that this would be a phase spread out of a week or two, at least. No, it literally happened that fast. One evening Angela sat her down, and she just suddenly crawled over to my guitar and started trying to pull it over onto her. She’s been into everything can reach since that moment.
- “The Wire — Season Three” — This show is just as good as everyone says it is. It’s a wonderful balance of personal stories and commentary on modern life. Heavy, of course, but not without a sense of humor. However, you cannot watch this around your 10 month old daughter. As a matter of fact, the swearing and violence is even a bit too high for Angela. Therefore…
- Wii Fit - Though we have a couple of other Wii games that we play a lot, as well (Mario Kart Wii and Dr. Mario), Wii Fit is really a different experience. Though it uses a lot of game-like conventions, it actually is taking a gaming console and changing how you can use it. When (and it’s not as often as I need, anymore) I go running, I can put that on my training calendar. Regardless of what exercise I do or do not do, the game monitors and tracks my weight loss progress. The exercises it offers are real and the feedback is truly helpful to improve balance, flexibility, and strength. Now, if we only had a bigger living room to do those push-up/side planks in!
- “Star Trek — Enterprise” — Despite the network’s many horrible choices for programming (Wrestling? Seriously? WTF, SciFi!? At least your stupid B movies and reality shows have something to do with your channel’s original line-up.), they do manage to get some great syndicated series. Enterprise was my favorite ST since Next Generation, by far. I watched the first couple of seasons but unfortunately fell out of it (it was pre-TiVo for us). Now I can catch up. Too bad these weren’t in HD, though.
- Dungeons & Dragons — 4th Edition — Yeah, I know. The fantasy kick continues. It’s kind of hard to explain. A part of me feels like I never really got to play D&D with a serious group as a kid. When I tried, the rules were cumbersome and we never got through anything. Now, I’ve found some folks who live around here, are my age and have similar interests, and who kindly let me come join a game. It’s been an absolute blast. I’ll expand on some of this in the near future, but if you’ve ever thought about playing a table-top RPG (and probably even if you haven’t), the new edition of D&D is really a fantastic game.