Five Fun Things Friday — Independance Day Edition

We keep our­selves pret­ty busy these days. Well, we cer­tain­ly man­age to fill the time with some­thing and hope­ful­ly most of it is worth the time we spend on it. So, this one is a week late, but with good rea­son. There’s always a few high­lights, though: Footrace — Inde­pen­dence Day morn­ing Angela and I… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — Inde­pen­dance Day Edition

Five Fun Things For Friday — Father’s Day Edition

Ah, you did­n’t think I had been doing noth­ing all this time, right? Of course not. Here’s a few things that have been occu­py­ing my free time: Chas­ing the Baby — She final­ly fig­ured out crawl­ing a cou­ple of weeks ago. Peo­ple had told me that one day she’d just get it and then she’d be… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things For Fri­day — Father’s Day Edition

Five Fun Things Friday — Mid-April Edition

Oh, to have blogged in so long and only to come back with a measly list of fluff. Well, some­thing’s bet­ter than noth­ing, right? I’ve been on a rather ram­pant fan­ta­sy kick as of late: “Dun­geons & Drag­ons” — That ven­er­a­ble fan­ta­sy RPG lost one of it’s founders last month. How­ev­er, not to be stopped, a new… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — Mid-April Edition

Five Fun Things Friday — Mid-June Edition

Okay, so this is turn­ing out to be more of a bi-week­­ly thing than any­thing else. I don’t recall ever promis­ing any­thing — as who would I promise it to? Five things that have been on my radar ‘o fun over the past cou­ple of weeks: This is a great music video by a for­mer­­ly-not-known-to-me Brit indie… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — Mid-June Edition

Five Fun Things Friday — June 1st Edition

Well, it’s been two weeks since I last did this, so I should have plen­ty of fun things, right? I’ve been soon busy with work and house stuff, I’m not sure… Watch­ing “Wait­ing for Godot.” After being pub­licly shamed, I fig­ured I’d bet­ter see what all the fuss is about. I tried to watch a taped… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things Fri­day — June 1st Edition

Five Fun Things: May 18th Edition

I’m try­ing to make this a week­ly thing, but who knows how long it’ll last. Anoth­er week flew by me and I’m not sure where it went. That’s more the norm than not I sup­pose. Here’s a few things, in no par­tic­u­lar order that have been inter­est­ing and enjoy­able this week: Get­ting to see inside me by… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things: May 18th Edition

Five Fun Things: Week of May 10th

Here’s a list of Five Fun Things I’ve been enjoy­ing late­ly, in no sig­nif­i­cant order (oth­er than No. 1): Feel­ing our baby girl kick for the first time last Sun­day morn­ing. That was awe­some. Super Paper Mario on the Wii – Not a very hard game, but loads of fun to play and very fun­ny, too. Lost… Con­tin­ue read­ing Five Fun Things: Week of May 10th