Sometime in the Fall 0f 2008, I joined a group of folks I met through a Meetup at Mike’s place in Spring Hill to play 4th Edition D&D. This is a back-post of some photos I took from a couple of games in February 2009. The original photos (and comments) are on Flickr.
Month: February 2009
One-Plus Year at Bentley
I suppose I owe those who read this site something a bit more upbeat regarding last year than my previous post-2008 post. So I wanted to focus on one of the very positive things that happened to us last year. My job at Bentley. I had a good feeling about this position from early on, partly… Continue reading One-Plus Year at Bentley
PodCamp Nashville
Over the past year, I’ve gone from someone who consumed and dabbled in new media after hours (okay, and sometimes during work hours!) to one who helps to create it as part of my day job. It was a very exciting and affirming part of my decision to work at Bentley when they asked me… Continue reading PodCamp Nashville
Happy 1234567890 Second
This post is set to publish so the time stamp (in Unix time format, which is seconds past since the Unix time epoch… bla, bla, bla) is 1234567890. Yes, me and every other geek on the whole internet just published at the exact same second for the exact same reason. So, this short line of… Continue reading Happy 1234567890 Second
Behind the Scenes at super-structure
I know that it looks like almost nothing has been happening on this site for the past month. But, actually there have been some changes behind the scenes. Okay, I’ve also been kind of lazy and not posting as much as I’d meant to. But let’s focus on the positives. Even since I moved my… Continue reading Behind the Scenes at super-structure
CableCard on a Mac
A short story on Macworld regarding the lack of CableCard support on Apple computers or peripherals. This is a story where the comments seem to add as much as the story does. I agree totally with the TiVo users commenting about their love of the CableCard. As a matter of fact, TiVo HD users seem… Continue reading CableCard on a Mac