Who Watches the Watchmen?

Best description/review of the Watch­men film I’ve read yet that sums up my exact feel­ings: Ful­ly deserv­ing of its R rat­ing, this is a sad, vio­lent film about sad, vio­lent peo­ple where the only one actu­al­ly sav­ing the world is the vil­lain. While most super­hero movies are about action and dra­ma, this one’s a straight-up… Con­tin­ue read­ing Who Watch­es the Watchmen?

PediPaws — Not As Advertised

Mag­gie, our over­­ly-sen­si­­tive Airedale ter­ri­er, has some gnarly claws. I mean, she’s bread for dig­ging up larg­er rodents and snap­ping their necks, so one can hard­ly blame her. It’s just what she is. Her claws are those black, real­ly brit­tle type that are very tough to trim. The only way to do it that does­n’t… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pedi­Paws — Not As Advertised

Categorized as General

Open Source Documentation

This is very hum­bling to me. Last week, at the Doc­Train West con­fer­ence, 25 writ­ers pro­duced a man­u­al for Fire­Fox in just two days as part of the FLOSS Man­u­als project. The man­u­al is freely avail­able online and is dis­trib­uted in a Cre­ative Com­mons CC-BY-SA license. You can pur­chase a print-on-demand copy of the man­u­al… Con­tin­ue read­ing Open Source Documentation

Using Variables with Find/Replace in Flare

This one is a pret­ty sim­ple trick and, to be hon­est, one that a lot of folks prob­a­bly fig­ured out soon­er than I did. With just a lit­tle bit of work, you can eas­i­ly replace oft-used words or phras­es in your Flare project with a vari­able. This is espe­cial­ly use­ful if you find your­self writ­ing… Con­tin­ue read­ing Using Vari­ables with Find/Replace in Flare

PodCamp Nashville 2009 Wrap Up

I and about 400 oth­er folks attend­ed Pod­Camp Nashville this past Sat­ur­day. Per­haps the idea of a free, vol­un­teer run con­fer­ence kind of gave me some low expec­ta­tions (I’d nev­er been to a bar-style, un-con­fer­­ence before). But it was with­out need as the con­fer­ence was time well spent.  I attend­ed sev­en dif­fer­ent ses­sions dur­ing the day: “From… Con­tin­ue read­ing Pod­Camp Nashville 2009 Wrap Up