Speaking of summer movie thrills, I’m cautiously optimistic about Terminator: Salvation, which opens next week. Director “McG” — of Charlies Angel’s money grab remake fame ” makes a good case for going with a PG-13 rating: “It just became clear that the things that would take it to an R or an NC-17 would be:… Continue reading Maybe McG Gets It After All
Month: May 2009
The New Star Trek
With two kids now, finding time to go out to watch a movie is only a great challenge. Given that Angela is a long-time Trekker and that this was Mother’s day weekend, we really wanted to get out to see the new movie. We’re also big Lost fans and had really high hopes for this film. … Continue reading The New Star Trek
DVD Ripping Should be Legal for Personal Use
Wired’s Thread Level has a blog on the likely outcome of the Real Networks DVD ripping case. The provide a little background on the oddity of DVDs (& Blu-Ray discs, too): It’s OK to copy music from CDs, for example, and place it in an iPod. Yet, it’s illegal to do the same with a… Continue reading DVD Ripping Should be Legal for Personal Use