Maybe McG Gets It After All

Speak­ing of sum­mer movie thrills, I’m cau­tious­ly opti­mistic about Ter­mi­na­tor: Sal­va­tion, which opens next week. Direc­tor “McG” — of Char­lies Angel’s mon­ey grab remake fame ” makes a good case for going with a PG-13 rat­ing: “It just became clear that the things that would take it to an R or an NC-17 would be:… Con­tin­ue read­ing Maybe McG Gets It After All

The New Star Trek

With two kids now, find­ing time to go out to watch a movie is only a great chal­lenge. Giv­en that Angela is a long-time Trekker and that this was Moth­er’s day week­end, we real­ly want­ed to get out to see the new movie. We’re also big Lost fans and had real­ly high hopes for this film. … Con­tin­ue read­ing The New Star Trek