Terminator Salvation

I got the tip via Twit­ter the day pri­or to the film’s offi­cial release that my favorite local burg­er shop (Burg­ers ‘N Creme) was giv­ing away free tick­ets to an advance screen­ing of the movie (with a burg­er and fries bas­ket — some­thing I love for din­ner, any­way!). It was part of a fund rais­er… Con­tin­ue read­ing Ter­mi­na­tor Salvation

Categorized as Film

Dictionary: Colemanate

cole•man•ate [kohl•man•eyt] verb To build by means of ongo­ing dis­cus­sion, vac­il­lat­ing, dis­course, or exam­ples until all par­ties cease to be inter­est­ed: At least it did­n’t cole­m­anate in some hor­ri­ble end­ing (K. O’Mara)

Some Nerd Treasures in the Attic

We’ve been in Spring clean­ing mode here around the house. Angela went through our old file cab­i­net, comb­ing over records for the past decade plus. We also both chucked most of our papers and files from col­lege. That alone end­ed up being ten box­es to take to the doc­u­ment shred­ding & recy­cling place. In the process,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Some Nerd Trea­sures in the Attic