Self Identification

This was the first year that I ever got to fill out a cen­sus as hus­band, father, home­own­er, and all around adult. The last cen­sus, both Angela and I were liv­ing in a dor­mi­to­ries (in two dif­fer­ent states, no less). It was such an small but sat­is­fac­to­ry sense of self-worth. In the big­ger pic­ture, the… Con­tin­ue read­ing Self Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion

I Don’t Like These Numbers

I’ve been pok­ing fun at many of the num­ber-goal groups on Face­book for some­time. It’s just seems so com­i­cal to me that there are a huge num­ber of “I bet I can find 1,000,000 peo­ple for/against so-and-so” type groups there. They only get more enter­tain­ing the longer I’m on that site. It’s so cute that there’s… Con­tin­ue read­ing I Don’t Like These Numbers

Categorized as General

News of my High School Leaves More Questions Than Answers

I attend­ed high school like pret­ty much any oth­er kid in this coun­try, though this high school was a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. Found­ed as a pri­vate school by Ten­nessee’s WWI hero, Alvin York, it was lat­er hand­ed over to the State of Ten­nessee as the only gen­er­al, state run high school in Ten­nessee1. York felt strong­ly… Con­tin­ue read­ing News of my High School Leaves More Ques­tions Than Answers

Liberals Who Pine for Conservatives

As a lib­er­al who grew up with, works with, and lives with great peo­ple who are con­ser­v­a­tives, this piece by the Wash­ing­ton Post’s E.J. Dionne, Jr. speaks vol­umes about how I feel about them. Which is that con­ser­v­a­tive voic­es are an impor­tant par­ty of a pro­gres­sive soci­ety. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, as Dionne points out, we haven’t seen… Con­tin­ue read­ing Lib­er­als Who Pine for Conservatives

Top Level Domains for Companies

Yes­ter­day, Canon announced they were acquir­ing the gener­ic top lev­el domain .canon. I pre­dict as this prac­tice becomes more com­mon­place, it is going to result in a web-brows­er secu­ri­ty night­mare. There are already plen­ty of peo­ple who don’t under­stand how to read a web address to com­pre­hend if they are actu­al­ly at the site they… Con­tin­ue read­ing Top Lev­el Domains for Companies

D&D Encounters — Week 1

D&D Encounters
The pur­ple-ish mini at the end of the bridge is my tei­fling ardent.

Play­ing the first encounter of the under­moun­tain adventure. 

Archaic Iconography

In many com­put­er appli­ca­tions1, you’ll find a tool­bar which con­tains a save tool & icon. Almost with­out fail, that icon is of a flop­py disk (most close­ly resem­bling a blue 3 1/2″ flop­py). But why not a com­put­er hard dri­ve (though those often end up look­ing like sar­dine tins in small icons) or a reel-to-reel… Con­tin­ue read­ing Archa­ic Iconography

Categorized as Geek

Using Location Based Social Networking Sites

As I’ve become more and more attached to using Twit­ter, I (like most every­one else) has enjoyed adding more rich infor­ma­tion into tweets. I per­son­al­ly love includ­ing links to a pho­to, which essen­tial­ly ren­ders a tweet to a cap­tion (Arguably it also adds a 1,000 words or so to your actu­al tweet length). I have… Con­tin­ue read­ing Using Loca­tion Based Social Net­work­ing Sites

Ad Blocking Software

I don’t have a real­ly good solu­tion to what Ars Tech­ni­ca’s Ken Fish­er describes as dev­as­tat­ing to web­sites (ad fund­ed sites, any­way). How­ev­er, I don’t use ad block­ers myself. I’m a big fan of ad-sup­­port­ed, freemi­um ver­sions of soft­ware and sites, and it’s my way of sup­port­ing those which I am not will­ing to out-right… Con­tin­ue read­ing Ad Block­ing Software