You can watch the director’s cut (extended edition with DVD extras) of my presentation here.
Unfortunately, my small HD video camera gave out only 22 minutes into a 32 minute presentation. The above is from the still of the actual presentation at PodCamp. However, I have re-recorded the audio (and hopefully adding back in a bunch of the tips I forgot to tell the audience or ran our of time to include). You can watch the whole thing in the link above or head on over to SlideShare to watch.
Jason: I read your piece on Screencasting 101. Just wanted to add that our company has launched a screen recorder called Pixetell that you may want to explore. Very easy to use yet rich in features. We can host your Pixetells or you can export (to YouTube, etc). Here’s a little Pixetell I made for an educator in California that will show you some of what this can do: