Defensive Running

Today I joined peo­ple from all over the world in going out for a run in ded­i­ca­tion to Meg Men­zies, the woman in Hanover Coun­ty, VA who was tradg­i­cal­ly struck and killed by a drunk dri­ver on Mon­day while out for a morn­ing run with her hus­band. My heart­felt sym­phathies to her hus­band, three chil­dren,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Defen­sive Running

Star Ratings

After doing the Jaw­grind pod­cast with some friends for the past cou­ple of years, I’ve real­ized just how much a five star rat­ing sys­tem can vary among dif­fer­ent peo­ple — and even myself at dif­fer­ent times. As I’ve been rat­ing enter­tain­ment (and even goods, as in the case of Ama­zon) for years, I’ve always had… Con­tin­ue read­ing Star Rat­ings

Categorized as General

After three years with­out a sin­gle report­ed case of polio, India was declared free of polio. It’s been so long since polio was a epi­dem­ic in the Unit­ed States &emdash;which goes a long to way to explain­ing our cur­rent anti-vac­ci­na­tion and anti-sci­ence culture&emdash; that is hard to grasp how mon­u­men­tal this news is for so many peo­ple. The BBC reports that there are only three coun­tries left where polio is endem­ic: Pak­istan, Afghanistan and Nige­ria. Wired recent­ly had an excel­lent long-form piece on the effort to erad­i­cate polio from the planet.

Starting Out 2014 Right

My goals from year-to-year don’t change that much. How­ev­er, that’s not entire­ly a bad thing. Some have set goal lines but most of them are open end­ed. Strive-to-do-more-of-this or less-of-that sort of things. How­ev­er, this year, I’ve decid­ed to nar­row some of my goals to the dai­ly lev­el. More accu­rate­ly, at the end of each… Con­tin­ue read­ing Start­ing Out 2014 Right

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